Brother BE-1206 / BE-1204


I have the chance to get a Brother BE-1206. Is this a good machine?

I have a Brother PR620 but don't know anything about industrial embroidery machines.

Thank you! :)

Generally ... yes.

I have had brothers before, and haven't had too many problems with them.

The only issue I have with them is the bobbin tension can be a little finnicky because of the Jumbo "M" size bobbins, i find that you have to run them a little tight, as opposed to your PR620 that uses L bobbins, but I would never call that a deal breaker by any means, especially if the price is good.

I am assuming that you are buying this used? Just make sure they have all the parts/hoops, cap driver, etc. Also, if memory serves me correct, I do believe they used .dst file formats instead of .pes see if they have a program for conversion of these formats. If not, its not a biggie, there are a million file converter programs out there for either cheap or free.

Make sure you ask if its had a tune-up recently, and if the maintenance has been kept up.