Buying an Automatic Press - Questions


Just looking for some helpful advice about buying an automatic press. I know a lot of readers have gone through the process, and I'm sure your experience can be very helpful to first timers like me. Frankly, the whole process seems like buying a car. There's typically no posted pricing, so you have to request quotes. Then you get your quotes, but since there's no posted pricing, you don't know if you're getting the best price or if there's room for negotiation or whatever. So, I'm wondering:

1. Is there room for negotiation on a quote?
2. If there is room, what's a good return offer? 10% less? 5% less?
3. Would it be better to simply ask for more for your dollar -- that is, an upgrade or a free/cheaper set of pallets and/or a flash -- rather than asking for an overall reduction in price?
4. I know a lot of people finance automatic presses, so can you expect a discount if you're willing to pay cash -- or write a check, as it were -- on the spot?

Any insight into these or any related questions would be great. Feel free to send me an email or a private message, if you'd rather not have your answers on the public forum. (I will 100% assure your confidentiality.) I am going to the ISS show in AC this weekend, and I expect to be doing some serious shopping.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not looking for recommendations on manufacturers or types of presses. I more or less know what I need/want. I'm just looking for insight into the actual transaction process.


Baldface Industries
Bayonne, NJ

Thanks to everyone who has replied -- publicly and privately. I've gotten a lot of helpful feedback, but it's definitely not too late to throw in your 2¢, if you haven't already. I leave for Atlantic City on Thursday, and I'm definitely feeling the urge to buy!


OTS7750's picture

baldface wrote:

Just looking for some helpful advice about buying an automatic press. I know a lot of readers have gone through the process, and I'm sure your experience can be very helpful to first timers like me. Frankly, the whole process seems like buying a car. There's typically no posted pricing, so you have to request quotes. Then you get your quotes, but since there's no posted pricing, you don't know if you're getting the best price or if there's room for negotiation or whatever. So, I'm wondering:

1. Is there room for negotiation on a quote?
2. If there is room, what's a good return offer? 10% less? 5% less?
3. Would it be better to simply ask for more for your dollar -- that is, an upgrade or a free/cheaper set of pallets and/or a flash -- rather than asking for an overall reduction in price?
4. I know a lot of people finance automatic presses, so can you expect a discount if you're willing to pay cash -- or write a check, as it were -- on the spot?

Any insight into these or any related questions would be great. Feel free to send me an email or a private message, if you'd rather not have your answers on the public forum. (I will 100% assure your confidentiality.) I am going to the ISS show in AC this weekend, and I expect to be doing some serious shopping.

PLEASE NOTE: I am not looking for recommendations on manufacturers or types of presses. I more or less know what I need/want. I'm just looking for insight into the actual transaction process.


Baldface Industries
Bayonne, NJ

Some things to beware of:
Warranty, how long, what is covered? Exactly what are your responsibilities expense wise? how long to get a technician? where and how long for parts? Be sure to ask and clarify.

What you see on your contract is who you get:
Are you purchasing your machine from your dealer with a vested interest? or some joe who is simply after a finders fee? If you do not clarify this you will learn quickly when you are in need.
Who is installing it? Trained techician supported by the manufacturer or a previous customer who learned how to fix the press because he had so many issues? Who is paying for it?

Shipping and crating costs:
Where are you paying to have it shipped from?
Check each item for crating costs, check for shipping, duties, and import fees.
Who is responsible for any logistics if you have to have it shipped into country?

Don't wait until you have an issue with service, or your machine is in customs and you are being charged daily for storage while you argue out who is responsible for what.

Above all beware who you give any deposits to, never cash, no matter the amount. If you are buying from the dealer, make sure payment is to dealer, if it is manufacturer make it to manufacturer.

If you do not ask any of the above and clarify, I can tell you there are people alive and well, and have themselves positioned not to be responsible for your money or issues, selling equipment that will take advantage of you and your money. These are just a few questions buyers should be asking.

nation03's picture

Small world, I live in Paramus, NJ... not to far from you. I work full time in a shop already but let me know if you need a hand sometime. My summers are pretty damn slow.

-Jake Damis