Can someone digitize this Left Chest before xmas?

I've attached the images i have to this thread, you can email me at
I need this to be a left chest embroidered logo like the mockup sample shirt, i DO want the white outline. Can anyone do this before xmas? I'm willing to pay, but i was hoping for 5$-10$ish? It's not a real company, It's sort of a gag-gift for a friend who likes a TV show, and the company on the pattern would be the company from the show.

Thanks :)

I'd liked to have helped, but I'm really busy at the moment. I would offer some advice though.

The main difficulty with creating your design quickly is that it will take too long to get the artwork in some order, as it is far too low resolution, and you haven't given any other details. A digitizer needs to know required size (not just 'left breast'), the material of the shirt, and the thread to be used.

I do realise one could guess the size to be about 3 1/2 inches across, it appears to be a pique knit polo shirt, and that most embroiderers use 40s rayon as a standard, but if you want someone to put in effort to help you out, for no reward, would it be too much to put in a little effort yourself?

That, by the way, doesn't cover the issue of logo copyright as you suggest it is a real company...

Normally standard left chest size is between 3.5 to 4 inches in width, so i was thinking around that size.. I have standard thread, i believe both 40 and 60
...It's sort of a gag gift, so it dosn't matter too much.
If it's too hard for anyone to create, i could do vinyl instead.