Censorship in digitizing or embroidery???

Robert Young's picture

Hi, I Just got a quote from a client who has done more than 200 designs with us for an SS logo and more specifically a Lebensborn design.. when you google that here is what you get: "the Lebensborn programme was restricted to individuals who were deemed to be "biologically fit" and "racially pure", "Aryans", and to SS members."

I personally fired the client and was not pleasant about it.

What are your policies.. if you have any? , about doing designs for offensive or morally objectionable concepts? I dont want to police every design but surely some concept of decency must be adhered to?? I am not suggesting dont digitize something that is Catholic in nature because you are Baptist... but come on... doesnt something with the SS go beyond this? I think so most definitely.

United States

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert, A quick question, are you sure this wasn't for a historical type purpose, museum, re-enactment, educational, play, movie, etc, etc, etc. The list could go on and on of valid scenarios that it could be used for. I don't know maybe they did give you that information but if not you may have turned away a good client who was just doing a re-enactment or trying to serve a museum type customer.

The above is not to say I support or endorse any views, I just wanted to see if I could pose a different view or maybe a different side of the coin instead of always turning to the negative. Maybe there was a valid explanation?


I certainly see widners point, but I think if I were in your shoes, I would go with my first instinct. If it is in fact a racially-biased design, would you really want your name associated with it? I know I wouldn't. You certainly have enough experience and expertise to be able to pick and choose what you want to work on, and at the end of the day, morals and standing up for what you believe in is far more important than losing a client, even if it is a large one. I have no doubt that for you, he is easily replaceable!

Just my opinion.


Sydney Fedesna
Two Socks Designs

Robert Young's picture

They did call to apologize... one of the embroiderer's employees is dating a young man who happens to belong to a group that has nothing to do with historical re-enactments if you follow me. She had put the order in for his local chapter as an employee sale.

I unsuspended that client's account with a note that any future "accidental orders" of this type would not be allowed through us, just so she knows.

Modern Embroidery Designer