Colorgetter 3 Pro Turbo / Colorgetter Hawk

Hello everyone, I currently have these 2 drum scanners in my posession yet I have no clue on the specs of them.

I know they are quite old, would anyone know anything about them?

Hi Printco,

you have in your possession two very old and delicate pieces of equipment that in my opinion were never surpassed in quality of scan they can produce. Even todays high end scanners do only just as good a job, although probably faster and certainly more conveniently. These beasts are hard to load with film and it is a bit specialist to be quite honest.
I have a Colorgetter PRO 3 Turbo and it is absolutely the best scanner I could ever wish for, however they are now rare and finding parts for them is hard, so if you decide, 'what the heck do I want this old thing for' give me a call!
As to specs, I think they produce scans of around 4000 DPI but the best thing about them is they do a very nice clean job of scanning. They are slow, but the wait is worth it for photographers, especially those like me who demand the ultimate from their films.
I do NOT think they are of any value in the embroidery trade! Get an Epson flatbed mate!haha....

Seriously awesome piece of gear!

Gidday from Australia,

Ian H.