Complete Screen Printing Business

Rock Hill, SC, United States

Complete Screen Printing Business - $9500
(equipment purchased in 2010, used part-time for 3 years)

Riley Hopkins 6-color 4-station Printing Press, WIN64
Assorted aluminum screen meshes - 85 to 305
Screen printing 101 DVD
GOOP scoop 10" - qty 6
Washout booth by Blackline (without light kit) - KDLKIT
Epson Stylus 1400 (Blackmax) upgraded bulk ink system, newly installed
16" Dual Edge Emulsion Coater
12" 70 durometer squeegee - qty 4
15" 70 durometer squeegee - qty 4
6" 70 durometer squeegee - qty 2
8" 70 durometer squeegee - qty 2
Digital Laser Thermometer
25" x 36" Alum Exp Unit with lid - RXP2536LID
16" X 18" Aluminum Platens - qty 4
14" x 14" Youth Platens with neck - qty 4
Pre-registration Board w lights
Ryonet Econo Cure 8' Conveyor Dryer w/dual element - BBCEC-6100
16" x 16" Afford-a-flash - BBCLC-1600
GeorgeKnight, swing arm, digital combo heat press, 16" x 14"
Textile Cleaning gun and cleaning fluid
4" x 22" leg and arm platen
Home built 6 screen drying unit
4 station shirt cooling unit
Assorted inks - qts and gallons
Emulsion - 1 gallon
Screen opener
Spray adhesive
Emulsion remover crystals
Screen wash
De-ghosting spray
Nylabond - new bottle
Package of waterproof velum, 13" x 19"

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