Corel DRAWings X3

Does anyone have any opinions on this software before I invest my money? Are there any better programs for around a $1000? Just getting into digi. and want to here the horror stories. Thanks ahead of time for any replies.:) :)

SkyLinePrints's picture

I own DRAWings Pro and use it for stuff I create in Corel. Its does ok. Small lettering (.25 inch) is not good but thats tricky even in Wilcom.

How do you plan to use it? Do you create in Corel or are you planning to take a bitmap/jpg to digitize? This question will help me in forming a more complete response.

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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I might do some in corel if I need to do something custom. I plan on doing mostly jpeg and bitmap. I prefer to avoid facial imaging because that quality is not, in my opinion up to the standard that looks acceptable. I will be doing mostly logo conversion and fonts converted to dst. for a single head 15 needle SWF machine.

SkyLinePrints's picture


DRAWings probably is not for you then. You can not bring jpg or bmp files into DRAWings. well, that might not be 100% accurate cause you can for mosaics but that is not what you are trying to do.

If you are wanting to digitize jpg and bmp's, then I would recommend Wilcom or some other true digitizing software. With DRAWings, you would have to first recreate the file in Corel then 'flip' it to DRAWings. You can not edit the stitches in DRAWings. All editing is done in Corel.

Hope that helps.

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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SkyLinePrints's picture

Try checking out: embird

i've seen several people recommend that software.

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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I really like drawings. I have been using it now for about 8 months. It gets easier by the day and better by the day. I have a 12 needle swf, and I have no difficulties scanning in artwork that is to be creating by drawings. Drawings is good you just have to learn how to use it. But if you can create artwork you can create emb files with drawings.