Hi Fellow Embroiders-
This Thread Is To All Who Feel Like Helping.
My Goal- To Open My Custom Embroidery Business That I Used To Do By Hand.
I Recently Purchased A Janome Home Embroidery Machine And The Customizer Software And Have Not Been Able To Do A Thing With It Because My Designs Are Too Complicated For The Software.
I'm Frustrated And On A Time Schedule Of 2-3 Months To Get Going.
I'm A Single Mom With 2 Little Ones- 3 And 6.
I've Been Trying As Hard As I Can To Get This Business Going So I Can Continue To Stay Home With Them. I Sold The Shirts Before With No Problem When I Did Them By Hand, But Now That I Got Too Busy I Need A Machine. I Took A Year Off Because Of Surgery And A Move To A New City.
I Only Have 2-3 Months To Get This And I Just Don't Know Where To Go Next And There Is No One To Help Me.
I Need Help With Finding The Right Software To Digitize My Images. They Are Very Basic, Usually Includes A Handprint, And 3-5 Words, Some Small Pictures (usually Hand Drawn) And Another Small Image On The Back.
My Problem, So Far, Is That The Things I'm Drawing Are Too Small. Seems Like Anything Below An Inch Is Too Small. But They Aren't Detailer Images They Are Just Small, Say 1x1 Simple Line Drawings.
I'm Just Stuck
I Hope My Sob Story Will Inspired Some Of You To Help!
Thanks In Advance
Re: Custom Embroidery Software help! Please!
By The Way,
Any Advice On Starting The Business Or Just Plain Embroidery Stuff Is All Greatly Appreciated-
Thanks Again!
Re: Custom Embroidery Software help! Please!
I guess when most people start new business, they all wish to do everything by themselves in house. That's cool, but there's always an option to let other people do the dirty works for you.
Now you have your own customers, you get job orders from them. Then, you pass the computer works to embroidery digitizers, you can run easy jobs yourself and let local embroidery shop handle complex productions for you. All you need to do is to learn how much is your total cost for all these and quote your customers in advance.
It really doesn't matter which city you live in. As long as you can find a trustworthy embroidery shop in your city, and you can order digitizing files online. You are on your way to success. A few of my friends are doing business like this and they are making pretty good profits.
Hope this can help.
I can help digitizing, feel free to visit my web site:
Re: Custom Embroidery Software help! Please!
Thanks so much and what a great website.
I totally hear what you are saying and agree about doing what you are good at and leaving the rest to the other professionals.
I guess I'm at one of those cross roads of doing it myself or not. It just doesn't seem like the profits would be good enough if I have to pay for the digitizing.....guess I'll have to run some numbers.
Thanks again!
Re: Custom Embroidery Software help! Please!
hi, since you normally sewed these items by hand.. if you were charging for your time and now are using a machine which would be faster and you could get more done in the same time.. I would think that paying for digitizing would still leave you More money to keep if you kept the exact Same pricing as before.... Or were each of these separate designs with no repeats?
Modern Embroidery Designer