By henry on
Aug. 19, 2006
All these designs are in .dst (Tajima) format and these designs are free to download. The File are in .zip please unzip the file after download. For this click on the picture you want to download. The original sizes of the picture are given below to the picture:D
[URL= Design.htm] Design.htm[/URL]
Re: designs are free to download
Nice designs, especially the ones of Bejing 2008.
Too bad they are only in tajima format.
My machine doesn't accept that.
Re: designs are free to download
I have a good idea to share. When I encounter files that I normally don't work with, I download them into a special folder with the file extention name and some other word like "Convert". This helps me find the folder quicker for when I want to convert them into another FORMAT. If we don't have a converter, we can always seek help in the group. I'm sure many of us, will help another member put on a happy smile.
and not be left out in the cold wondering how they would have turned out.
Re: designs are free to download
i'm looking for some one to digitize for my small business. i like what i see in your free download section but i was unable to down load a deisgn to see how it looked after i sewed it out. if you would send me a copy of the wolf head #18 and a copy of the dog head #00009-sd this is the type of embroidery i will be doing. send it to me in DST format at . it looks like you do very good work. send those two free designs and let me see for myself. thanks dan j