By Cigarlvr11 on
Jun. 28, 2012
I have just recently purchased digitizer jr.
Does anyone know if the digitizer Jr. have the ability to convert its formats to the .dst?
Re: Digitizer Jr. Ver 4.0 Help convert jef to DST
Hello I am not sure if the jr does or not I know their full version (Digitzer) does. If that is not an option I run EMBIRD it is an inexpenisve software company. The program is excellent for the price. I would digitize in JR then save and open in Embird. Save there in correct format.
Re: Digitizer Jr. Ver 4.0 Help convert jef to DST
Convert your file to JEF and send it to us, We will convert it into .dst and send back to you. Let us know if you need any help ?