Digitizing designs

One client sent me 10 old cars to digitize each jacket back, is any copyright issue

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

nishty's picture

I couldn't tell you if the design is copyright or not, but what I do if I were you, make customer sign a form mention that he get this design and he has the right to digitze it and embroider it with his responsibility.

gnizitigid wrote:
One client sent me 10 old cars to digitize each jacket back, is any copyright issue

If I'm translating this correctly - somebody gave you 10 pictures of old cars and you want to know if there are any copyright issues if you digitize the pictures for embroidery onto some jacket backs?

If the pictures are copyrighted then there might be issues, but if the person who gave you the pictures owns the rights to them, then that person can assign rights to you for the job. If they are public domain then there should be no issues.

Alan Hepburn
Proud to be a Blue Star Family