DIgitizing software

Here at Twin ponds Printing ([url]www.twinpondsprinting.com)[/url], we offer embroidery for our customers. We have to outsource the digitizing to another company. I would like to know what digitizing software would be good to use so we can do it in house and keep the profit from digitizing the art? How time consuming is it to digitize an image?

United States

Twin Ponds Printing
Phone: (417) 256-0802

The software seems prohibitively expensive. :(

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Check out Embird or Stitch Era Universal for cheaper alternatives. For high end check out Wilcom or Pulse. The way I understand it is most things you should need can be done in the cheaper programs but may not have as many shortcuts or niceties for the digitizer. I am sure some would argue that but there should be no argument that you can find very well made designs using either software.

,,,,,and don't stop using your sub-contractors until you're totally satisified.

You sound as if you're paying way too much for digitizing,,,,give some of the folks here a shot, maybe they can save you some money, they did for me.

One bad digitizing job and you can lose a customer forever.

Robert Young's picture

Guess it depends on the quantity you plan to digitize...just what you need for your own machines or would you like to get into it full time... the more you hope to digitize I would opt for Wilcom... just their starter package.. not the full blown with all the bells and whistles. it has been around since nearly the beginning of time and they dont have to reinvent the wheel so to speak.

Modern Embroidery Designer