Embroidery machine leaving gaps in full pattern

I got my machine today and have started doing a few tests. The problem I keep having with every design is that the stitches won’t align. I saw someone had posted a similar problem, but their problem was not having overlaps in their design. I’m just sewing circles, one complete circle, and the centers won’t line up. It starts from the top and does one half, then it moves to the bottom and works it’s way back up, but it doesn’t complete the final stitch in the center. Every single test I’ve done is the same. I’ve tried other shapes as well with the same results.

This is happening with every sticht I try: satin, zigzag, tatami

Some info: I’m using a Brother SE400. I’m creating the shapes in SophieSew. Thread is embroidex 507 (dark green). The fabric is a flannel. The bobbin thread is the standard free white included with the machine, as is the needle (75/11). The bottom stabilizer is New Brothread cutaway white 2.5 oz 12”x10” 100 precut pieces. The top is World Weidner Tear & Wash Away - Machine Embroidery Stabilizer Backing 100 Precut Sheets- Medium Weight 2.0oz.

The flannel is just a scrap piece I’m using to decide on the type of sticht I’ll use. The fabric I will eventually use is plush velvet (hence why I’m testing the top stabilizer).

Robert Young's picture

hi, why not just have it sew from one side completely to the other? one section. I am afraid by doing it the way you are the fabric will pinch and create a bubble in the middle. also if the screen shows the gap then when in digitizing you are not going to the other section.... maybe the software thinks the thread will push that much and line up (push pull comp) In my software I turn off "half pitch comp" (just the name they have) and it stops the computer for thinking for the digitizer. let the digitizer do what they do. (sorry too old school, lol)

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
hi, why not just have it sew from one side completely to the other? one section. I am afraid by doing it the way you are the fabric will pinch and create a bubble in the middle. also if the screen shows the gap then when in digitizing you are not going to the other section.... maybe the software thinks the thread will push that much and line up (push pull comp) In my software I turn off "half pitch comp" (just the name they have) and it stops the computer for thinking for the digitizer. let the digitizer do what they do. (sorry too old school, lol)

Thank you so much!! How do I go about telling the system to sew it as one section? I wasn’t aware I could do that haha :eek: I will look for the “half pitch comp” would that option be in the digitizer software or do I need to go into the settings for the machine?

Thank you so much for your response!!!

Robert Young's picture

HI, I am sorry I am not familiar with your software. do you digitize it in two parts? if so try to digitize in one only? I am sure your software should handle that... I mean if it can digitize HALF a circle... what is the difference? or a SQUARE or any shape. but sewing half one way and the other half back towards the first is a certain recipe for disaster. I wish I knew your software and could offer more specifics. sorry. (can you change the exit point? )

Modern Embroidery Designer

Robert Young wrote:
HI, I am sorry I am not familiar with your software. do you digitize it in two parts? if so try to digitize in one only? I am sure your software should handle that... I mean if it can digitize HALF a circle... what is the difference? or a SQUARE or any shape. but sewing half one way and the other half back towards the first is a certain recipe for disaster. I wish I knew your software and could offer more specifics. sorry. (can you change the exit point? )

It’s one solid piece. I’m not sure why it’s telling my machine to sew in two parts. I will try to change the exit point, that may help, thanks for the idea!