By sroghen on
Jul. 27, 2017
I am looking to buy an arm fixture for 7.25" hoops from a closed factory. The seller is saying he used it with SWF hoops, Toyota Hoops and Brother BAS-416 machine hoops.
Will it also work with Barudan hoops? I have the EFP style hoops.
Appreciate a quick response as I am looking to complete the transaction this weekend.
Re: Hoopmaster fixture for SWF works for Barudan?
Anyone with hoopmaster knows the answer?
Re: Hoopmaster fixture for SWF works for Barudan?
I think it will work. The best thing to do is call hoop master.
Re: Hoopmaster fixture for SWF works for Barudan?
Thx for the reply. I did but they immediately told me it will not work and starting venting on how the have a barudan fixture for $200 or so dollars.
There is no impartial advice coming from them
Re: Hoopmaster fixture for SWF works for Barudan?
SWF fixtures works with Tajima.
Re: Hoopmaster fixture for SWF works for Barudan?
Thx for reply.
I see Barudan hoop has Arm length of 380mm while SWF/Toyota/BAS-416 has 360mm.
Maybe all I need is to change the plastic arm and it will work fine. Would have been great if someone was able to confirm.