By nsbfrank on
Jul. 24, 2007
I Recently Bought A Laptop That Runs Windows 98 And I Am Having Trouble Loading Wilcom Es Into My Computer,do I Need To Go Online To Gain Access To My Program,or Csn I Stsy Offline And Install It?
Re: general question
Hello my name is cheta i am a new owner of a FUTURA CE_250 i wont to know if you can just write without filling it in i am trying to make a family quilt i wont skinny letters ; like you would write with a pen i have lot of letter but you fill them in ' thank you all for helping me ;;;
Re: general question
I cannot help with your question but I use Wilcom Es too. Here is a Wilcom forum
Ask your question there and you should solve your problem.
Re: general question
I believe you will have to upgrade your OS. Newer versions of Wilcom (V8 and above) are not compatible with anything below XP.
Hope this helps!:)
The Art of Design
Re: general question
WELCOM ES works with my Window 2000.
I used it for many years, no problem at all.
You need to upgrade your OS to at least Window 2000.
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