Getting into this area very soon, need info and opinions.

As in my other posts here today, I'll be getting into the heat press area of this business this year.

Any help on suggestions on brand, size, and other info to consider when buying this equipment.

I see used stuff on the site here as well, and will be looking at it as well, so all help appreciated.

And, any opinions of good sources of heat transfer suppliers is apprecaited as well. I've got a couple, Versatrans and Art Brands, but haven't bought from them yet.

Thanks in advance.

amy413's picture

heat press is simple machine, very easy to use, you have to consider size, yeah, main size is 15*15inch, 15*20inch, 15*24inch, the last two is better, because it printer bigger, and price is not too much different, the other thing you have to think about output, manual one and automatic one is quite different.

you can email me at for price and details.

HC printing machinery factory limited
Mobile phone: +86-13433608286