great book

Can you guys shead some light on a good silk screen know how book. I been look for a book that explains some steps on how to start silk screening. As well as, a book that can really explains how to build a light box, screens, what materials, etc...that are need to start a silk screen business/hobby. I would love to get the titles as well as ISBN # so I can track them down online. Thanks you

Go to and get a copy of Scott Fresners "How to Print for Fun and Profit". Probably the best book on the market.

SkyLinePrints's picture

I agree. It is THE book to get

Have a great day! :)

Nathan Harrison
Skyline Prints Embroidery and Screen Printing
4982 Bill Gardner Pkwy
Locust Grove, GA 30248
(770) 914-1558
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I agree also. I used the book when I first started. I learned tons from it

jr_sanford's picture

Requirements to get a good print:

a) Tight screens
b) Sharp Squeegees (Overlooked by many printers)
c) Properly coated screens
d) A single filament exposure table (1000 watt will do)
e) Proper Off Contact is critical
f) With all of that - now use a "soft hand" to make your prints.

Too many times people press TOO HARD to get the ink to go through the mesh. The idea is to get the ink to penetrate the (textile) substrate just enough to bond to the fabric.

Hint, I like to flood my image area before lowering the screen down then making one deliberate pull. Having the proper screen's mesh thread count for the viscosity of the inks is something you'll get to know as you get some experience. 110 for White works good, 160 for Black is awesome.

I wonder if they have a book, "Screenprinting for Dummies"?:D


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