Handling Billing as a Digitizer

Robert Young's picture


How do you handle your billing? do you hit cc info manually? does your website do it for you? How do you secure the cc info you have for your clients?
Our site does it for us, but due to security reasons we have to pay nearly 1000.00 per month to make sure the info is secure for our clients.... hardware and software firewalls, etc. Last thing we need is a "Target Breach" with our clients. How do you deal with this??

On terms do you bill once a day or every week?

Modern Embroidery Designer

We are no digitizers but we have a webshop. And we use Paypal for 80% of the transactions. The clients love the fast payment and most of them have a paypal account. The customers know that paypal payments are save and for us, we don't need to worry about any payment information.
If you don't like paypal there are a lot of other credit card /payment gateways. Usually you pay a percentage of the transaction. Might be cheaper this way...deepens on the total amount of transaction per month.
I, personally, feel a lot more secure if the payment handling is done by a third party company. The legal problems you can face if all credit card infos are stolen...I don't want to think about it.
Maybe there are better solutions than paypal but this is what works for us and our clients.

Here a list of payment gateways:

minimalist's picture


Like pd87 said, go paypal. The customer can specify on their paypal account to pay off a credit card. It takes the processing cost off of you.

I don't digitize but I bill for what we ship out or do daily. Don't wait a week for billing. Customers tent to lag on paying if you are lax with the billing.