
I recently purchased the Chromoblast system with a Epson C88 printer. I am trying to get it to work properly and I guess it is alot harder than what I thought.

I cannot get it to print in all colors.

I have only printed 6 pictures and my ink already says 50% left. I thought you could print many pictures with the system and at $100 per bag you would tihnk it would be so.

Any suggestions from anyone?

Is there hope or should I give it up and try another type of system?

I don't want my dreams to go down the tubes.

Thanks for any help.


United States

Robin, Your system used about half of the inks priming itself(filling the tubes, etc). I'm not sure what size bags you have but you can print a lot once you get going. A full sized print usually runs about $3.00( that includes paper and ink for full coverage). I'm not familiar with bulk ink systems since my cartridges are 110 ml to begin with , but it sounds like they aren't all primed correctly. Bags can be very temperamental I'm told:) Recheck all of your lines and be sure they are sealed correctly.

Embellishments in Thread

Hi KELKAT! R u sure all your cis/bags r on this same level as printer? You can not rise them! otherways all ink will flow in to waste pad in your printer. Did you instal your ICC profile yet? Did you try press any of your prints? Prints always look odd before pressing. looks like all colors wrong but after press them on blanks they look alright :) so first make sure your icc is instaled corretly ;)
all the best

ps. what software r u using?