Help with digitizing squares in Pulse

Ok so I'm pretty new to the Pulse software and machine embroidery in general, but as pre-press artist I've been given the responsibility of figuring it out. I've found that the training videos for Pulse are not very helpful, and it seems to be a huge learning curve. We send our art out to be digitized, but I still have to be able to fix things that aren't right or don't work.

TL:DR; this is hard and I'm not sure how to do much but I'm coming across lots of issues.

Specifically this: is it hard to digitize squares? We got back artwork that had circles inside a square, and the square ended up rounded on the edges, which I was just barely able to mostly straighten out by moving individual stitches. [ATTACH]84510[/ATTACH]


I've attached the original stitches from the DST as well.

i don't use pulse, but personally, i would have stitched the whole white block as a fill with a satin outline, then stitch the "open areas" as satin stitches on top. they can be stitched in the same color as the fabric to make them kind of look open. it would be a much cleaner look.

general rules of thumb....under 1.3 mm wide stitches = running stitches. 1.3-6 mm wide stitches = satin stitches. over 6 mm wide = fill stitches.

i wrote a pretty long post a few years back with 'general rules of thumb'. it should show up if you search for that. it should help a lot with just getting started.

digitizing...since 1996.