Hi - we're new to embroidery and are having issues running some designs on a used Barudan we recently purchased.
We're doing single color only on a polyester duffle bag type material with a foam lining. I have one head that's a problem child with a particular logo. The logo is 2 large letters, one of which is refeversed out and just outlined. On the left side only - I've got separation between the main fill for the letter and the letter outline. Any thoughts as to reason?
Also - is it normal to have to adjust and fuss with thread tension every day when we go to run pieces? We always test, but it seems we're doing at least 2 test runs because we have tension problems on at least one or two of the six heads every morning... I'm wondering if we just have gremlins in the machine or if we need to be doing something differently??
thanks in advance!
Re: Help with embroidering on duffle bag type material
I´m using Barudan. Never have tension problems. I run a test every six months and maybe find that 2 are out a little bit. As yours is a used machine maybe some of the springs are worn or have some dust in them. Looks like you have some sort of Gremlin in the machine but whatever you do, never give the Gremlins water, they dont like it.
As for the duffle bag problem it looks like its not being held tight enough in the frame and is moving on its foam lining.
Not very helpful, sorry.