Help needed for Sierra Embroidery Office 7 - MAXX

I've just purchased a used SWF 601c with the Sierra Embroidery Office 7 MAXX program. I've learned the "text" stage but seem to be stuck there. The manual seems over my head sometimes and am getting slowly frustrated. My ultimate goal is to master the AID portion. Any tutorials on this particular program or lessons out there somewhere. We're in the South Florida area. Thanks everyone.

Thanks for your input. I'm not sure which way to go either. Should I try to continue working thru the manual or go to another program. I'm thinking about Wilcom or Tajima programs. Have you come up with anything?

I have had problems with the 7 program also. If you bought it used SWF won't even answer a question for you without charging you $600.00. I think they write the manuels purposely so you can't figure it out. I am looking into another program with better instructions.

Good Luck