we recently purchased a used tajima tmef 620 machine. the seller said the machine uses three phase power. but we only have single phase.
as i researched and examined the equipment, i saw this:
the two images at the middle says "single phase" on the first and "3 phase" on the other.
correct me if i'm wrong, as i understand, and also from the brochure (just google: tmef pdf, it's the first result), that the machine can accept either single phase or three phase. you just need to configure something in the wiring. is this possible?
the technician is not available for the moment but since there are plenty of orders already which our current machine cannot accommodate, we need the tmef to be up and running asap. and the seller has lost the manual, and i can't find one online.
thanks in advance!
Re: Help with Tajima TMEF equipment
First off, You should call an electrician. They would know the best.
Here is what I BELIEVE (don't hold me to it) Most tajimas can accomodate single phase power, but you have to convert the single phase into 3-phase. There are companies that sell converters for this. Again, you would have to call an electrician, because I know that they have to be hard wired into your electical panel. I would imagine that this machine does not have a plug ... Its just raw wires, correct?
Machines this size are not plug n' play by any means unfortunately. Most big machines (12 head and up) are usually a hard-wire scenario.
Sorry I wasn't much more help than that.