Hi everyone
I am having a VERY frustrating problem with a cap order I am currently embroidering.
I run a single head Tajima Neo and am sewing a one colour, fairly simple two letter design on Flexfit caps. The design is about 58mm high, basically just a large letter S above a letter P. A few of the caps sewed fine, but now every single time one starts to sew, the needle jams in and the machine errors out, or the needle breaks immediately.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong or what is different since the first 6 or so caps sewed fine! I have been in the embroidery business for about 10 years, and running the Tajima Neos for the past 2 or so, and this is one of the most frustrating jobs I've done in awhile. As I said, it's a very simple design that should sew in no time at all, and I have 50 of them to do!!
Do you think the design is simply too large? I think I've done designs up to 60mm high, but I'm not really sure.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks!
Re: Help! These caps are killing me!
It sounds like there is too much space between the hat and the needle plate. Does the design embroider on the center seam when it starts and jams? I would clean out the bobbin area carefully, use a 80/12 needle, start the design slightly off center, slow down the speed and use more backing (to take up space so there's less flagging). If you're using a single head you can use tweezers to hold down the cap as the design starts and then increase speed when you're past the seam area.
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Re: Help! These caps are killing me!
only time I get needle breaks is when I try to place design too close to the bill and hit the cap frame underneath
Re: Help! These caps are killing me!
I had a similar problem a while ago, and had to get a technician out. My problem was a bit worse as I got a needle point jammed in the rotary hook as well. If you do break a needle make sure you find all the pieces before trying again!
One of the tips he gave was to have the needle eye facing straight ahead (and NOT slightly to the right as is sometimes recommended)
I guess you have tried different needles, different thread path etc., and are using the cap needle plate.
Have you tried extra stabilizer?
When you find the answer let us know.
Good luck
Re: Help! These caps are killing me!
Make sure your top thread is tight enough.
Test your bobbin tension first.
Adjust the top thread tension.
Sounds too simple but if you have tried all of the good suggestions, try tighter top thread tension.
Timing of the hook is worth trying also.