By SPPAT123 on
Jul. 22, 2015
New on here - been in business for awhile and have an embroidery and screenprinting business -I do not know how to screenprint myself sooo-- I have some new issues arising that I need some
experienced printers to help me with.
Thanks in advance for any helpful comments
Re: Hi Everyone
My printer is having a major issue getting left chest prints straight.
He is a great overall experienced printer -but been having major issues
with left chest prints - especially as the shirts get bigger ( and cost more to replace:)
he is blaming the shirts - I know everyone has their own method -
but there has to be a way to compensate - any suggestions I can share with him -
and at what point to I stop covering the cost of shirts and make him resposible for his
Re: Hi Everyone
what type of press?