Hi I'm new to the forum


I am new to the site so feel free to take a look at my profile.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.

- David

Systematic Automation Inc.

jr_sanford's picture

Hello David,

Welcome to this forum.:)

Do you work for Systematic Automation Inc.?
I checked out that website and was impressed with all the high tech equipment shown there.

I, myself, am from the "old school" where Hopkins rotary presses were the state of the art machines. I have also worked on a TAS 12 color automatic press that I thought was a really nice machine.

So, if you work for Systematic Automation Inc., what do you do there?

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
shop: 360-748-7346
cell: 360-880-6384

Cast aside your limitations;
And you shall be boundless!