By sashimi on
Mar. 20, 2008
hi! i'm planning to open a small business with my uncle
and i have question about the machine that i'm about to purchase.
Used embroidery machine from Melco Amaya
its 1head 16 needles.
and it includes
1year limited warranty, parts and labor
amaya OS-Flex, USB Dogle
Design Shop Pro Plus 2007 kit (USB Dongle)
5000 dakota Treasure Chest Design Pack
4 days of training
and lots of other accessories.
price is $11,000.00.
with all shipping and tax will be $12,357.50
i really loved the machine and i would like to know
if it is great deal or not.
i'm totally new to embroidery so i have no idea.
so i would love to hear your advice
and sorry about the bad english ^^;
Re: Hi Im Totally New To Embroidery And I Would Love Your Advice
Konnichiwa! :)
I've been in the business for more than 10 years and the first thing I realized is that 3/4 of the business depends on the embroidery machine and digitizer you choose for startup. Melco machines are really good, but I would say $12.000 is a little bit too much for a used one head machine despite all the advantages you've numbered. I would recommand a new Brother PR600. Though it's only 6-needle, it is extremely easy-to-operate and has cap equipment. Of course that is my personal opinion :)
Whatever you choose, I wish your uncle and you good luck and prosperity!
My life is digitized
Re: Hi Im Totally New To Embroidery And I Would Love Your Advice
I think the price sounds reasonable given that software is included if the machine doesn't have too much usage and has been well maintained. Make sure you see it run, look closely at the stitch-outs and if possible show the examples to an experienced embroider. If possible have a Melco tech check the machine. Make sure you see a cap run. I don't have an Amaya but some of the early machines weren't real good with caps although they are especially fast with flats. There is an Amaya Yahoo User's group (AmayaEMB) that might be helpful to you:
Custom Embroidered Polo Shirts with your logo
Embroidered Button Down Shirts no minimum
Re: Hi Im Totally New To Embroidery And I Would Love Your Advice
Thanks for advice ^^
i'll keep that in mind!
Re: Hi Im Totally New To Embroidery And I Would Love Your Advice
Chiming in late here, but I'd check out SWF's E 1501-C machine. It's a 15 needle, single head compact machine. It comes with a cap system, too. If you buy it at a tradeshow, you may be able to get them to throw in the Fast Frames system as well. It comes with their digitizing software and 3 days of training. For $11K-$13K, depending on when/where you purchase.