Honest Customer Review of Melco XTS Embroidery Service

Holy crap Melco sucks. They sent 2 guys to deliver my Melco XTS embroidery machine. One smelt like a brewery, & the other guy couldn't figure out how to put the cart together. A cart for gods sake. I recorded on video saying how shitty Melco and there company are. The refused to put it together even when shown the tools were in the box. There excuse was I don't feel comfortable putting this together. I called Melco and they blamed me. Saying I kicked the delivery drivers out. I was offered 1/2 off the shipping WOW thanks you cheap basstards. And I would have to put it together which I did. I told them to come and get it. Di Ann Wayland told me that it would be 2 weeks before I got my money back. I complained and said that was unacceptable and she said that was there policy. They pisssed me off even more with there great personalities that I just said take the machine back I don't care I'll wait. After the delivery company cancelled the 1st pickup and rescheduled it for the end of the weeks both I and my wife decided to keep the machine and emailed Di Ann Wayland to say that we wanted to keep it and why. She ignores the email, sends the delivery company. Then get this, the company refunds my money even before they pick up the machine. Now this is after I emailed her saying that I wanted to keep the machine. Now I am getting threatening phone calls because I did not over night them a check and blocked me from buying anything from them on there website. Well Melco there are a lot of other excellent embroidery companies out there that will gladly offer me there service. Yours sucks and your customer service are extremely rude. I am not a sales person for another company I am a real customer. I will be publishing youtube videos really soon of phone calls and of the delivery people that melco sent out. Stay away from Melco. Its my opinion but its an honest one.

Robert Young's picture

Sorry, we can only go off the info you provided... so that is all we know of the problems you have experienced. I stated that I personally did not own a melco at the MOMENT.. that does not somehow mean that I have never dealt with melco.. I have had several of their machines in the past. I just prefer the Tajimas or SWFs for what we do so hope your SWF will be as Great as ours has... but their customer service hasnt been the best either... we just are able to handle most of whatever happens ourselves without them.
I am one of the very few on here who actually puts my Real name, not some made up handle as I am confident in allowing everyone to know who I am without fear. good or bad I think it is the most honest way, not hiding. So really not sure where "BOB" came from? My name is Robert thank you very much.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Anyone looking at Melco should stay away. They promise a lot and don't follow through. If you are looking at a new embroidery machine I would recommend SWF they treated me with respect and have great customer service. I am sure tajima, barudan, brother and happy are companies are great I just haven't dealt with them. My experiences are with Melco and SWF and thats it. Pwiggle and Bob Young thats your opininon. I didn't go into every detail that happened just a quick summary of a month and 1/2 trying to get something resolved. Pwiggle you said you would fire me because all I wanted was to get what I paid for? Oh Bob Young it wasn't just the cart not being put together I did that. It was the fact that the machine didn't work. Anyway say what you will about me and not wanting me as a customer. I have never been treated like this from any of my distributors and never had a problem ever. Wether it was buying all of my screen printing equipment to my wide format printers. I still buy from the and they all sell to me. Melco just sucks they don't respect there customers and don't offer quality machines. So go ahead Bob Young comment on why you wouldn't want me as a customer when you have never dealt with Melco and there horrible service. Oh yeah when they finally sent out a delivery guy it was a guy from Beacon Funding. He was really nice but the one comment he said was out of all the machines they see getting picked up for one reason or another Melco is the worst. He couldn't believer that they sent him instead of a regular delivery company. So I was glad to hear that Melco really does suck from a professional and that it wasn't just my opinion.

Robert Young's picture

Well i dont personally own a melco at the moment, but reading your rant the thing that sticks out to me is that you are upset, I get that, you tell them to come get the machine... then you are upset because they refunded your money before they honored your request to pick up the machine?? really? that sounds like pretty legitimate customer service to me... especially in today's economy that actually surprises me... but THEN you are upset because you apparently changed your mind during this process and decided to Keep the machine... so not sure why you cashed the check then unless it was auto draft?
Sorry, but to me, reading what you wrote I get that you are a client to stay away from, not that melco is a supplier to stay away from. But I do agree the two original guys should have known how to assemble a cart... and should switch from beer to vodka. but is that really enough of a MAJOR issue to go through all this? really?

Modern Embroidery Designer