How do you charge?

This is not about what to charge, but how to charge.

I will contract out the digitizing but I'm trying to figure out if I should charge separately for digitizing and garment, or should I combine the two? I figure if they change their minds I at least have the digitizing covered if I charge separately.

How do you charge?

United States
minimalist's picture

My policy is to not charge digitizing fees if the quantity is sufficient. I build that into the cost of the product. In what we sell it could be as small as 12 for bags and 36 for hats. If it's a small quantity I charge the customer $35 for small designs and $60 for large designs. I pay $18.00 to get small designs digitized and $40.00 for large designs. I tell the customer that the fee for small orders is the cost to digitize their design and that I don't charge for setup or any of the other fees most shops charge.

I don't charge digitizing fees for lettering since I can do that. I'm not good enough yet for digitizing custom designs so I outsource that.

I mostly work on our own stuff that we sell wholesale. I do accept small stuff from locals (small town) because no one else will touch brought in items. I charge $6.50 to put a name or initial on a shirt, bag, or other item. Some gladly pay, other complain profusely.

Robert Young's picture

I would definitely charge a one time die setup fee.. (digitizing).... any future orders they can come back to you if they liked your service and you already have their die ready for the next run. Call it art conversion, digitizing, die , setup, whatever, but I would charge for it.

Modern Embroidery Designer

My recommendation is to NOT CHARGE A DIGITIZING FEE. To do so would give the customer full ownership of the design and he could Legally demand the final digitized file. If you need to have a charge for this put it in writing in your contract/bill of sale that this is a "SET UP FEE".

The same goes for anyone that changes an Artwork Fee, to charge using this wording gives the customer the complete rights to the final digital file and by current law you are required to give them the artwork file with full rights. This language indicates that the customer Hired You To Provide Final Complete Artwork.

By stating that Artwork, Digitizing or anything else is a Set Up Fee your work stays yours. ;):)

Good advise! Thanks! I was wonder how you keep the customer from requesting "thier" image.

Robert Young's picture

ha, funny. to me "digitizing" is a verb.. just as "set-up" is. design charge? design is a verb. etc. I remember years ago working in a small emb shop how the owner would NEVER give up the paper tape. But honestly.. if they are asking for something that you have already gotten full charge for.. meaning if your digitizer charged you 20.00 and you charged your client at least that amount.. then you are not out anything in real dollars.. just the imaginary MILLIONS from repeat orders... or the imaginary 100.00, whatever.

They are asking for the design because why? they did not like your work? well then they might not get much better with the same design elsewhere... or they dont like your prices? if that is the case then they are going to go with the other guy anyway...if they are that much cheaper the embroiderer would probably eat the cost of redoing the design anyhow. and by you not giving them what they think they have already paid for.. aren't you leaving a bad taste in their mouths so they would not come back to you anyway? Another reason is they did not like your customer service... so they aren't coming back anyway.. so what? you dont give them the file just to prove their point?

Are we that afraid of competition? If you gave them the file they cannot hold that against you and if the next guy messes up they just might come back... you have already lost the client.. leave a window open for them to come back. Do you really think that by NOT giving them the design that you are going to keep them? really?

So I say charge fair market value for the set up... then if they do come back and want the die. what is the real harm? this is not magic anymore...

Modern Embroidery Designer