I posted below on the M&R forum a while back, the reason wy is that I have the right to post my opinion and review on a purchase and customer service as long as its true. M&R is and was the only industry site I could post this with out fear of it being removed. I thank Rich Hoffman for that.
I want to give a word of warning for anyone actually considering Printex or doing business with either Robert Barnes of Spider Machines or Preston.
I bought a Printex hurricane from Barnes the machine is a great machine but it has had problems over time, nothing major that the manufacturer cannot remedy except for the fact it cannot print the length as advertised. I also did not get components on the press as advertised nor did I receive the promised spare parts kit. But the biggest issue has been Robert Barnes and his completely unprofessional attitude. He has threatened me personally my business and our machine. Backing him up is always Preston a man that only seen a Printex once for a short period of time and also has nothing to do with our business and the transaction with Printex, yet he continues to discredit me.
Some may have read I am refusing to allow them to fix the machine by not letting them in our building. The truth is after Robert has made several threats to sabotage our machine we cannot trust Robert or any affiliation of his in our building, both to protect our selves from sabotage and also to protect our business from becoming a dog and pony show for them. The continued lies on line proves that they would walk in here and tailor all info to suit their needs in discrediting us. So yes Preston, Robert, Brian or Sara are not allowed in our building. We have made it clear to them we wish to sever our relationship with Spider machines but would still work with the manufacturer directly.
This is the best part, I have emailed Poland and have been completely been ignored by the manufacturer, everything is deferred to Spider Machines. This is horrible absolutely horrible. They are employing a Man in this country that does nothing but instill hate and lies and costs god knows how much in sales for his selfish reasons. And yes he is selfish he is currently starting to promote more manufacturers, Printex is already in his rear view and it is sad to say anyone with a Printex today will probably be ignored by Robert in the future since he has moved on to other ventures.
I have made the offer to Poland to come in and remove the press for less than we even paid for it, did not even demand a full refund which we could sue for. Still they ignore and still Robert discredits along with Preston.
All I can say to any person interested in what Robert is selling please be careful, we were deceived heavily on shipping costs and shipping time, we were deceived on parts to be received and all along as I complained I became more of a target. For instance I have complained about the lack of a manual for my press, a press which is servo/AC with digital controls, many confusing parameters and functions available but nearly impossible to understand with out some type of manual. Their answer to this is that I am dumb and no manual is necessary, by that account that makes their own installer and technician dumb because even he does not know how to use half the functions.
As long as that Printex sits on our floor I will warn people of Robert and his ways, do not expect a refund from him when the truth sets in after your press is installed. Anyone wish to know more please contact me on here or privately.
Re: I am a felon
Now below is a thread that Preston created on his site. I am cutting and pasting it here so i can respond to it since I am being accused of possibly being a felon.
Also I feel comfortable pasting it here since Preston went and posted private correspondence he had with M&R employees, something I find distasteful to say the least.
As many of you know in an effort to stop all the bs and personal attacks on SPOF we created a membership level called "Limited" and "Limited2". The members who we rounded up and placed in that restrictive group were chosen based on their posting history that showed a habitual tendency of posting personal attacks. In that group was Rich Hoffman (244) and Robert Barnes (Spidermachines). There were others as well. When Robert found out that he was limited to just reading post he called me. I explained why it was done and why he was included. Robert informed me that he understood and thought it was fair under the circumstances even though he did not agree with it. Rich on the other hand apparently did not take it very well. I am not sure why as he was clearly guilty of continuous personal jabs towards Robert. It may be that he felt only Robert could ever be guilty and should be the only one ever censured or banned. I really do not know what his thoughts were but clearly he felt he must be above everyone else I guess.
The next day I received an email shortly after I noticed a series of email notifications from SPOF's ad server. The email was from Thad Hutton at M&R explaining that they were leaving SPOF and could I please take down the side banner ad as he could not access it. I promptly granted Thad's request and notified him of that. When he responded with a thank you I replied back asking if M&R could take down the featured article of imkman's post as it was defamatory towards me and based purely of on his personal feelings and not on any first hand facts. I soon received this reply.
We were paying you for a service (which makes us a customer) and we requested to terminate. If you were paying us to advertise and you wanted your ads taken down, I would owe that to you. However, I've been informed by our layers that all Barnes requests are to go through them and since you are partnered with Barnes I would have to make that connection to your requests as well. Sorry I can't help you there, but Barnes can certainly send the request to our lawyers and if they see fit you know we?ll do our best to comply.
Well the first thing is Barnes has nothing to do with this and why should M&R even assume that when the request was to remove defamatory featured article that contained negative comments in it about me. I am not Barnes so leave him out of this.
I basically responded that this was not a request from Barnes but a request from me about this and since they have chosen to deny my one simple request I may at a later date put banner ads up that include information about M&R without their logo. Maybe I should have been clearer and clarified that if I ever did that the ads would in no way indicate or give the impression that M&R was supporting the site in any way.
Next I get this email.
Dear Preston:
As you may know, I am the in house attorney and General Counsel for all of the M&R Companies.
Thad Hutton of our west coast office referred me the e-mail thread of today concerning you. This thread of course included several e-mails from you.
First, thank-you for your cooperation in honoring Thad's initial request to permanently remove all of our advertising from your forum. I regret that you have now replaced at least one of those ads, and please consider this the demand of the M&R Companies that you remove all supposed M&R advertising from your forum immediately, and absolutely permanently.
Use of our name(s), logo(s) and any of our other intellectual and other property rights without our permission is a serious matter, and I assure you that it will be addressed should you fail to remove the offending material. We do not wish to have any presence on your forum, and our property rights will be enforced if you do not honor our request.
Your demand that M&R remove materials from our forum that you dislike is of a completely different character. We have the absolute right to the control of our property and have removed our consent that it be used on your forum. You obviously have no such ownership interests in and to the posts on our forum, and we therefore respectfully decline to remove that which you do not like from the M&R forum.
I might further mention that you have gone out of your way on your forum to defend the rights of the people who post inflammatory and actionable messages, contending that it is not for you to act as a censor. I am sure you can see that you are asking us to act as a censor in this instance, and will accordingly grant us the same right to decline that you reserve to yourself.
Once again, demand is respectfully made that you immediately remove from the SPOF site all alleged advertising which makes any mention of any of the M&R Companies, its products, and its property or assets. Your failure to do so will be met with the most serious of responses. I strongly encourage a positive and immediate reply from you or your attorneys.
Roger Herdrich
CC: Rich Hoffman
Roger Stein, Esq. (U.S. Mail)
Sondra Hemeryck, Esq. (U.S. Mail)
Roger Herdrich
General Counsel
Toll-Free: 800 736 6431
Office: +1 630 446 7121
Fax: +1 630 858 8770
The M&R Companies
M&R - NuArc - Amscomatic
Legal Department
1 N. 372 Main Street
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
I had already complied with Thad?s request so why the "Again" part? Why from their supposed in house lawyer? And I did not replace any of the ads. You know sometimes people forget they need to clear the cache on their computers.
The claim that I have no such ownership or interest in the feature article made by Inkman on their forum is ludicrous. You are darn right I have an interest in it as it clearly slams me.
As for the comments that I defend the right for people to post, that is correct to some extent. But I never defend the right for someone to be allowed to personally attack anyone and I would never put such a post up as a featured article. I guess that is the difference between SPOF and M&R. They seem to think it is ok to let personal attacks stand and to even embrace them as long as they fit their agenda. Bottom line is 244 got mad because I would not let him continue to attack Robert. If you have half a brain you can clearly see the difference between what I defend and what they interpret I defend. It is the age old battle of it is ok to censor the people we do not like but don't you dare censor me. Well SPOF does not allow anyone to personally attack anyone and that is the difference.
All of this begs me to ask myself a few questions. Why is M&R so reluctant to remove a featured article that is picked up by RSS feeds when I request them to do so because it is slanderous towards me? If it was just a post inkman of T-It-Up made within their forum it may be different but when M&R makes it a featured article then that means they approve of the content. I mean come on, how hard is it to honor my request? How much effort does it take to click the delete? Why would the CEO of M&R even approve of such nonsense? Unless maybe it is to use it as negative advertizing towards me and Printex. So I beg to wonder why they expect and demand all ads about them be removed from SPOF and turn around and refuse to remove defamatory content against me that is clearly there to create a revenue generating propaganda ad for M&R.
The other thing I pointed out to M&R was that because of Inkman's continued derogatory post all over the web those post could very well fall within the cyber bullying/stalking laws and if so that could constitute a felony. I asked M&R why they would even take the chance, however slim it may seem to them, to support such activity that could end up leading M&R to be an accessory to a felony. Even if that chance is one in a million, why even risk it? A simple click of the delete would remedy that. But again I was basically told to stick it as you can see by the comments from their lawyer. Why, because they want to use Inkman?s comments to scare people off from buying anything but M&R. Why else would they leave it up? What does this tell everyone about M&R? With the current mind set of M&R are they really good for the industry? Would you want to buy from a company that acts like this? I can truly understand now why people are choosing not to buy M&R anymore. It now makes sense to me.
Even after my joining the Printex team I continued to suggest to people that they buy M&R equipment for things other than an automatic press. I can honestly say I will never recommend M&R to anyone from now on. Bottom line is it seems M&R's stance is to bully everyone out of their way and to do it in any way they can. Not a good company to do business with in my opinion. Their flat out in my face denying of my simple request after I graciously granted theirs shows what type of company they have become.
Read more: http://www.screenprintersopen.com/the-forum/the-real-colors-show-through/#ixzz1VOiDWqU6
Re: I am a felon
Basically my response is this.
Preston I have three words for you GFY!
My original post is my personal opinion and truthful experience, have a problem with it? Talk to Poland
Some where in your rant above you claim you do not allow personal attack posts on your site yet you fail to recognize all the nasty posts Robert has in his blogs hmmmmm
My original my post may be a slam in your eyes but it is in no way cyber bullying or some felon you are no lawyer stop acting like one. I will continue till the day I stop breathing speaking my mind about Robert Barnes, Printex EU, Spider Machines and yes you Preston. You spent a considerable amount of time online trying to discredit me and sticking your nose some where it did not belong. I have the god given right to give my review as I see fit its great to be the customer isn't it. Hell maybe it will be a good time to legally complain to the BBB and other consumer protection sites.
Re: I am a felon
May I just say that I fully agree you have a right to post a review and your opinions, but If it were me I would have toned down or eliminated any language in the reviews that speaks directly to the character of Barnes or Preston. Stick to the facts, they are bad enough.
Posting things like "Barnes is selfish" doesn't come off as constructive or to the point. I'm not saying it isn't true, but it seems knee-jerk and defensive and very much like something HE would post about someone. You don't want to go down to that level, right?
If it were me, I would consider re-posting your experiences with the Printex purchase, from day one of what you negotiated to the present day, and just state all the facts in a chronological fashion. I know it's been a fvcking nightmare for you, so you would only need to stick to the facts to make it look like a horror novel.
Post it like you were Spock. Leave the emotion out of it and the bare facts will speak volumes.
Re: I am a felon
Evo you may be right and I certainly did write the quick complaint as a knee jerk reaction.
Maybe soon i will take the time to chronicallize the whole experience from beginning till present. I will still use all their names as I see fit because after all the biggest issue has been the character of one of the individuals. Nothing i will post will be in any way false and hopefully I can keep opinions to a minimum and stick to facts.
Re: I am a felon
Thats great advice Evo! Take your time and lay it all out just like it happened.
Re: I am a felon
It's perfectly ok for Preston to say and do things but if you disagree with his stance then it's not ok. It's one of the most hypocritical things I've ever witnessed. How many inflammatory remarks have been made on his site that have never been removed or even talked about, now when he wants something removed (that is the absolute truth by the way), he wants it deleted and taken away? Well, if you want to talk s h i t about your competitors and constantly try and bring up "weaknesses" of other presses but can't handle anyone calling out your product's weaknesses, then you need to keep your mouth shut and stay out of public view.
Re: I am a felon
I'm glad you brought this up over here Mike, since we can't talk about it on SPOF since we are banned from posting. And I'd rather not foul up the best screen printing forum with this crap anymore. The Shirt Board is such a great place and although I've talked about some of this there a few times, this latest BS from Preston is way too hot to bring up over there.
Re: I am a felon
I completely respect the three amigos wishes on the TSB they are fair and absolutely unmoving on what is and is not allowed there.
Re: I am a felon
M*R has complete legal right to ask for all advertising and use of M&R IP on his site removed. Preston has zero legal right to have my public post removed, authored by me and only by me.
I still think Preston could be a great addition to the Printex cause but only if he kicks Robert to the curb and takes true control on their marketing.
But alas it appears Printex is already an after thought for Robert sad but true.
Re: I am a felon
Quote from Preston
Preston put him self in the position by both supporting Robert in his attack on me and also by personaly trying to discredit me. The man had nothing to do with the purchase of our machine, the installation or its history yet he wanted to get him self involved. Well guess what since you want to be involved you also are part of my complaint.
As for saying I am slandering you that is ridiculous and that is why M&R (much smarter people than any of you clowns) has left it up because there is nothing slanderous in it. Remember for something to even remotely be slanderous it needs to first be proven false. I would welcome you or Robert to take me to court and try to prove slander at that point it will be easy to just slap on a counter suit on all parties concerned.
Re: I am a felon
It just sucks that there is no end to this for you. Hopefully something good will come out of it sometime. Has PRintex offered to take the thing back? They have to be concerned about all this negative publicity that has been caused by all of this.
Re: I am a felon
They have ignored me completely.
Spider Machines nor Printex ever offered to take it back Robert only offered to buy it back at a joke of an amount.
One thing I do have to say the part that M&R made me for the lift is fantastic works better than I could ever imagine, no noise what so ever anymore and zero drag when the machine indexes.
Re: I am a felon
That's awesome.
Re: I am a felon
Would have been sooooooo much easier taking care of your customer like most other business's do when a problem comes up, instead of being a big a$$ hole Robert.