By Robert Young on
Jul. 09, 2008
This is a question for those using cones of thread vs spools. How many colors are in your "standard" list and do you charge a fee for any color that you have to special order?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
I stock about 150-175 colors and we do not charge for color matching...although sometimes I feel like I should.
Stitch N Stuff, Inc.
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
We have approximately 125 stock colors. If I need to place a special thread order I charge unless it is for a particularily good customer or I feel that the color is needed as a stock color. PMS matching is charged.
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Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
wow, that is alot of inventory... do you have spoilage issues with all the colors that are not used regularly and could sit until they become brittle?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
I personally have never had an issue with threads going bad
Stitch N Stuff, Inc.
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
I have the Madeira thread chest that has 349 spools of 1100 yards each. I also have about 100 different colors of Robinson Anton. The Maderia thread chest is a good deal and runs about $650 and it comes in a 6 drawer wooden chest. Of course, as I run out of the smaller spools, I buy large cones because they are more economical.
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
i dont have any thread, i run two 15,two two 6 and two 4 head machines i have a few spools from previous jobs. but i found it rediculous when a customer wants a match and you have 1000 spools of thread just not that one. so i stopped carrying thread. The customer picks the color out of the book and i order it. i find it works better for me. i have net 60 days to pay for my thread mind you the bills are a little insane after 60 days but i found this way more affective. the thread gets old dusty dry if its sittin around in your shop.
thats what i do
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
so you order spools (much smaller than 5000m cones) for each job and give the thread to the client upon completion? Sorry, I probably am not understanding what you are meaning?
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
I also haven't had problems with thread going bad. I use Madeira poly primarily.
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Re: How many colors of thread do you stock?
no no lets say for instance a customer wants 3 color design. now i carry white and black in surplus stock. so lets say for instance the colors are white,black, and an exotic yellow
ill order the yellow and pending on the job size i can sometime get away with the 1000m spools of Madeira. i just found it awful carrying so much thread it dries up and ends up being thrown in the garbage anyway. so i dont carry thread stock. if a needs red, blue, green ill buy those colors and do the job. i dont carry thread stock what so ever only white and black. as for the customer getting the cone of thread back the answer is no. i keep the cone after stock it for about 8 months than ill chuck it. i dont compromise on anything. if it can be perfect ill make it perfect. carrying thread stock can get costly too when you have 300 of 400 colors in the color chart but the customer picks the colors you dont have and all the thread you bought surplus ends up sitting on the shelf. hope that explained it better.