How To Screen Print Santa Hats?!

Ghostwork Ink's picture

The Company i work for has a rush order for 510 santa hats that need a red print on both sides.
The printer that worked here before me had did the order last year, i saw some samples and they look half way decent, passable to me and the customer liked them.

What i need right now is a THICK ink depost that i can not get..i started out using a 175 mesh, ink deposit was super light and was not displayed right on the hat, now im on a 110 and im having the same problem. What ive noticed is the ink isnt being layed down on the hat, its all "mushing" up in the screen.
I thought to solve this i could add a good amount of softener to the ink- no.... or even use a ink i use for printing plastics.. since the ink is super thin- no.

The print needs to be on the white stripe of the hat, i also have a decent amount of off contact going on.

If you have any ideas for me, please don't hesitate!!


United States
