By screenmachines on
Aug. 10, 2011
I drew a picture of a round machine with AC heads and a great servo indexer system on a napkin at the bar and grill this evening.
Who wants to sell it? Who wants to send me a deposit on a purchase? Can't wait it will be the bestest ever.
United States
"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."
Re: New Machine
I came up with that design 15 years ago. Made a killing on it.
Shop Cal Software
Re: New Machine
Dang, I didn't know... I will stop advertising ASAP.
"Keep the the ink moving and you make money..."
Re: New Machine
Does it come in other colours?
Re: New Machine
I dont see a link to your website that does not work. Can you please purchase a domain that goes to nothing? I might send you a deposit if you have that.:eek:
Re: New Machine
Maybe Sillygan can post why it's no good if RWB sells it, and how it's unproven on a napkin when it works on other papers? Will this infringe on any patents, and could it burst into flames?
Re: New Machine
Really dude? Do I bother you that much? I can't believe you let me have that much power over you. Truly sad.
Funny though, this guy makes a tongue in cheek post basically saying EXACTLY what I have said about the issue with the "other press" (only 3d modeling and a non-functioning website... but 24/7 promotion!) and you join in on the fun... yet knock me for doing exactly what he just did... I just did it more directly. I wasn't even knocking the guy when I did it. I simply stated that I wanted to see a REAL machine and WHY the F would you promote a website that was "under construction" in the worst way possible.
I know, I know, he thinks he has google beat... but I think google is smarter than that.
"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."