I Stand With Israel.....

Nuff Said!


United States

I prefer the Americans dealing with iran. Unfortunately I think that Israel treat the Palestinians not much better than the nazis treated the Jews during WWII.
I agree the right to as Jewish state, but pushing the boundaries out and persecuting the Arabs in their own land also, denying healthcare, international aid, medicines etc is just baiting and asking for trouble. Killing the civilians on the aid ships in international water was nothing short of piracy. Israel I do agree has the right to nationhood, but needs to be a neighbour that does not create hatred. Not sure how they do that to live together in peace, but they can't bleat history and persecution forever while making their neighbors live in misery and poverty. America helps them so much, always has, but at what cost. 9-11 and the dealing with al-Qaeda. Israeli governments need to also respect any crap they cause costs America in taxes and blood also. It's a selfish onesided relationship. Israel has treated Jordan very well and in return they have had peace. Admittedly Iran is an agressive country and not to be trusted at all, but reflective of a minority population in power, not of the people in general. Sure the world needs to jump on Iran, and I don't think they should have Nukes. But Israel will only inflame the matter more with more countries into a greater religious offensive. The united nations needs to be more involved. Remember George W rushing into iraq on his intelligence. Iraq is not better off for many now than it was before.
It is noted that America never went into Zimbabwe after Mugabe, a butcher dictator. Why, no oil? Why not Russia who bullies it's neighbors, because Putin is too strong? Now Putin is dangerous, perhaps as much as ahmendinejad also, hopefully the people dump him.
The last thing we need is a war right across the middle east, because the traditional allies will get dragged in again and we will all bleed also.

If only all our neighbors were like Canadians and Australians and we could live happily with respect and friendship.

Winston, love your printing posts, but couldn't help voice my opinion even though it will likely upset most people reading this.

Printwizard! I too enjoy your post, and see that see that your mind is always
engaged! A good thing! The reason I posted "nuff said" is I too am aware of
the "complex" situation we are all in. Not easy! I will admit, I am not into
"political correctness" and I will not defend bad behavior, stupidity, bad
decisions, from my country,my friends,my neighbors. However they "will know"
without a doubt, without question, weather or not I have their back. Period! I
too enjoy peace! I agree with most of your post. I would love to see the UN
more involved in "world issues" WITHOUT , my money , and have the USA
butt out, without American taxpayer money! This way, we will not have to
replace our screenprinted bags of food that say USA because we don't want
to "offend" the people we are helping! And I am all for them "moving" their
headquarters from NYC to Tehran! Then we would "reclaim" our land,and put
it on the tax role,with midtown condo's. Free up parking in Manhattan from
diplomatic limos being towed, for "unpaid" tickets, and then they could murder
each other with diplomatic immunity! I for one, think it is time for the USA to
worry about the USA, and stop with all of the "political correctness". We help
and support "our friends", and our enemies be damed! And without question,
we would "all" know who "our friends" are, and those who are not!
Printwizard! This is written from a friend!

Wiz I am with you and always have been. Unlike a lot of Americans I have taken the time in the past to truly understand and learn the history behind the creation of Israel and Zionism. Most Americans just assume the Israelis are just peace loving simple folk being terrorized daily when it is far from the truth. There was a time the Palestinians and Jews lived side by side but then the war came and the Jews sequestered all the Palestinians into two little strips of land. Today they continue to encroach on Palestinians land and sacred areas with zero compassion. The Jews never handled their presence in the middle east well and because of it things are just as bad today as back then. You can always find videos being publicly broadcasted of young arabs throwing rocks across the border or at Jewish troops but you never see the young Jews that terrorize the young Palestinians in the same way, hardly ever do you see the bull dozers razing Palestinian lands to create more condos for the wealthy. America would do well to treat Israel with the same contempt as they do the Palestinians.

inkman996 wrote:
Wiz I am with you and always have been. Unlike a lot of Americans I have taken the time in the past to truly understand and learn the history behind the creation of Israel and Zionism. Most Americans just assume the Israelis are just peace loving simple folk being terrorized daily when it is far from the truth. There was a time the Palestinians and Jews lived side by side but then the war came and the Jews sequestered all the Palestinians into two little strips of land. Today they continue to encroach on Palestinians land and sacred areas with zero compassion. The Jews never handled their presence in the middle east well and because of it things are just as bad today as back then. You can always find videos being publicly broadcasted of young arabs throwing rocks across the border or at Jewish troops but you never see the young Jews that terrorize the young Palestinians in the same way, hardly ever do you see the bull dozers razing Palestinian lands to create more condos for the wealthy. America would do well to treat Israel with the same contempt as they do the Palestinians.

Remember How Israel has claims to Palestinians lands? Because Arab nations attacked them in the 1970's for no real good reason. Israel kicked the crap out of them and controlled arab land, even part of Egypt. They gave it all back after the war except Palestine area. Mainly because for country security reasons (can't blame them). Both sides have their case, but I feel a little less sorry for the arabs, mainly because of the war they started back then. Israel has reason not to trust them.

I do not think Israel attacking and destroying Irans nukes is such a bad thing, I would bet that all the other Middle Eastern Nations are just as concerned about the nukes as the Jews. For the most part Middle Eastern nations want peace and do not welcome mass conflict, Iran with operational nukes would almost definitely destabilize the whole area and throw just about any and all middle eastern nation into dissaray, who really wants that? Other than Iran's insane leaders.

Binkspot's picture

IMO Ahmadinejad is trying to fullfill a prophecy noted by Nostradamus about a Sheik with a blue turban in the Middle East starting the third world war right around now.

As far as Iran is concerned they are not stable enough to have Nukes and someone should take them out. For that mater niter is Pakistan and lets not forget about all the unsecured nuclear materials in the USSR and its former states. If you really want to hurt them appeal to India where most of the Iranian oil is refined to stop production. With all the oil Iran has they have limited refinery capacity.

The conflict in the Middle East has been raging for thousands of years and I personally don't think a few peace talks will resolve many if any of the issues. As long as the Jews and Arabs live in close quarters there will always be conflict. Both parties claim the same areas as siginficiant pillars of their religions and both are willing to fight and die to defend it. Neither party is innocent, but if they do want to live with out the constant conflict both have to give a little.

The UN is as useless as **** on a Bull. They need to get out of NY and moved to another Nation. Actually disbanded or reorganized.

Not knocking Israel but lets not forget they have only been a recognized nation for about 70 years.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

crazy mike wrote:
Is this thread a way of talking about Robert and Rich
without using their names?:rolleyes:

Sometimes art imitates life or is it the other way around.
Rich runs his country,and some like him,some dont. His
country is relativly peaceful,and has a nice economy. It is
the envy of many. RWB wants Rich to not exist.Some like
this,most dont. Rockets are fired,all to often into the country
of Rich. Rich tells RWB stop or else. RWB says no, you are mistaken.
The spin begins. It happens over and over again. RWB still wants to
destroy the country of Rich,to bring in the dawn of new age of
screenprinting and uses many stupid puppits. The country of,Rich
says enough is enough, and fires the mother of all lawsuits. RWB
cries foul. The rest of the countries in the world, have to support
Rich, and tell RWB change your ways or else, enjoy eating your
nuclear waste.

srimonogramming's picture

I'm not educated enough on foreign relations and especially the history of Israel v. Palestine and the rest of the middle east, the story I've always heard was that we are allies with Israel and they have been mistreated all these years. Whatever the story is, I sure as hell don't trust Iran, and the last thing they need in their hands is a nuclear warhead.

Two Great Historical fiction novels to read about the history of Israel Pre and post WW2 written by an American Jew Leon Uris.

"Exodus" is written from the Jewish point of view and the founding of the Israeli state.

The "Haj" Is written from the Arab point of view which mainly describes the existence of Jews and Arabs living close together and actually helping each other out, but it really explains the out side pressure placed on the Arabs to revolt against the Jews and then their subsequent segregation to the west bank.

The ironic thing is the Palestinians are the only groups to suffer from the wars with Israel, all the out side countries simply lost the war but continue to live in peace and prosperity. Sadly the Palestinians live in area not much better than the Ghettos the Jews had to endure in Europe for hundreds of years.

I personally would like to see Jerusalem turned into a multi national city administered and policed by an out side un biased nation something along the lines of the swiss guard in Vatican.

Remember when Isreal had ZERO nuclear weapons even with thorough US inspections. Then all of a sudden someone blew the whistle and over night they became the 6th largest nuclear power in the world?

Does anyone remember what happened to that whistle blower?

Something not right about that.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

IF you believe them.

Check out about that whistle blower story. They bricked up entire elevator doors to make it look like they didn't have an underground facility that was producing the nuclear weapons.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.

I don't know which one I trust or believe over the other... I'm just saying that I wouldn't trust or believe what I was told by either side OR my own country or "news" organizations. So don't take anything at "face value" and assume they have been "unjustly" wronged.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Gilligan wrote:
IF you believe them.

Check out about that whistle blower story. They bricked up entire elevator doors to make it look like they didn't have an underground facility that was producing the nuclear weapons.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.

I don't know which one I trust or believe over the other... I'm just saying that I wouldn't trust or believe what I was told by either side OR my own country or "news" organizations. So don't take anything at "face value" and assume they have been "unjustly" wronged.

Ya, US does some shading stuff too.
Binkspot's picture

I believe Israel never had a Nuke Program. They relied on us to secretly provide them with the weapons. They were not necessarily there to use against the Middle East but part of a security program as a first response against Russia during the height Cold War but could be used in self defense if necessary.

You actually have to give Israel credit for their self restraint on the Iran deal and during the first Gulf War. They could easily stop Iran in its tracks if they wanted.

It was announced a few weeks ago the Air Force had gotten approval and financing to finish the development of their newest super bunker buster bomb. It was in development then stopped due to budget cuts, now pushing to get 20 ready ASAP. These were developed for an attack on deep underground bunkers like the ones Iran is using to develop their nuclear program. Sounds like they are preparing for something.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Binkspot's picture

Gilligan wrote:
IF you believe them.

Check out about that whistle blower story. They bricked up entire elevator doors to make it look like they didn't have an underground facility that was producing the nuclear weapons.

Propaganda is a powerful tool.

I don't know which one I trust or believe over the other... I'm just saying that I wouldn't trust or believe what I was told by either side OR my own country or "news" organizations. So don't take anything at "face value" and assume they have been "unjustly" wronged.

And nothing like that ever happened here?;)

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

Binkspot wrote:
And nothing like that ever happened here?;)

Oh, no... I was talking about ourselves as well as them.

Don't get me started on our propaganda!

Back on topic, I have long thought that WWIII will happen because Israel does something stupid and we back them and everyone else goes "woah!"... I believe in the next WW we will be on the wrong side. :(

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Inkman, I never thought about your point, but am in agreement, that maybe merge Israel and Palestine, tear down the walls, reform the laws, let people work, give them healthcare and food under independent leadership like the UN or something and live together well. Remember Israel has a huge Palestinian population living there in prosperity and harmony with their neighbors in civil friendships. It can work. But they need independent leadership, outside the conservatives and fundamentalists on each side with their hatreds which is a minority of fundamentalists, both sides. It will take at least two generations to forget the past and love thy neighbour. The problem I think is that the west especially the USA feels guilty and let's Israel get away with too much because of historical injustice as well as their
US voter and wealth base lobbying the politicians. I mean it is not condoned by other countries. What Israel has done is not much better than what is going on in Syria, or Libya etc, but it has been allowed for so long. For some countries it has worked breaking up borders to smaller countries based on race or religion or ethnicity, and others have managed to peacefully resolve and live in harmony alongside, the latter is the only way because of the historical living their and their claims to the land. Remember in the times of the crusades that the Jews and the Muslims lived in Harmony until the Christian west came along. I think this is still the problem in that the USA enables the Israelis to keep living in conflict without forcing them to the table to find resolution because it has the backing of power and fear to keep the greater Arab states at bay. Those same states would be equally uncomfortable with Iranian nuclear power, we all know that, but it is essential Israel does not inflame the region and its nuclear aspirations are destroyed by a UN endorsed coalition.

Don't get me wrong, I love America. We believe we are allies despite Reagan shunning us with sanctions and no training or weapons support due to our anti nuclear status in the eighties. We have bled and lost our youth with the highest casualties per capita in WW1, we were the first ally beside Britain in WW2, and every conflict since, Korea, Vietnam the Gulf, Afghanistan, etc not to mention all our peacekeepers and SAS special ops continually on service overseas. Like Australia we would be beside America, but I think it is dangerous to blindly go into something started by Israel on its own. They have no regard for others but expect us to save their butts and bury our people and pickup the tax to pay for it. I think they are acting like a spoilt child not listening to their family.
What would be the outcome if Obama said enough! Israel is on its own, not only that we are going to put peacekeepers into Palestine and tear down some settlements and rearrange the fences. Invest in the area based on peace and harmony with the Palestinians and Arabs.???

Maybe WW3 may be guerilla terrorism across multiple countries, fundamentalists versus governments fueled by hatred of foreign policies? If you want scary, look at the buildup of forces between India and China. Still it comes down to hot heads. Irans leaders are very dangerous there, but remember the people protested and were beaten down. I know some Iranians, and they are lovely people, but they are fearful of the leadership. I think a targeted bomb on the parliament would make more change than on a military installation which is rebuilt with metal and concrete. Rebuilding the leadership of the country is needed instead.
You should also note that the Iranian military machine is much more advanced and dangerous than Iraq. Any attack would be viewed in religious terms and also destabilize governments of allied and moderate countries around them as well. Iraq, Libya, Egypt and now Syria also were relatively stable before uprising and overthrowing the government, now is destable, the countries are not thriving ahead or moving forward, and in fact is able to sustain terrorists much easier now.
Remember Lebanon was a lot like Morocco and a thriving place before civil war, and now it's still one of the sadest countries in the world where once it was a beautiful thriving place. Leaving this to drag generations causes deeper hate and bigger problems to solve.
We need to look to history to learn from. That may be taking out government leaders, like Hitler and saving a war. Look at what has failed, try something new.
Also can we think about North Korea. A dictatorship starving and brainwashing millions, keeping the population in the dark ages, while the hierarchy get obese with luxuries and sit behind a massive military... South Korea gets attacked, ships sunk, missiles launched at it and they can't really afford to retaliate and cause an escalation to a full out war. Don't know if anyone has been to south Korea, but it's tiny. Only a short train ride of a few hours from the bottom of the country to the border. It's not North Korea that is Scary, it's the brother behind it....

Printwizard wrote:
Maybe WW3 may be guerilla terrorism across multiple countries, fundamentalists versus governments fueled by hatred of foreign policies? If you want scary, look at the buildup of forces between India and China. Still it comes down to hot heads. Irans leaders are very dangerous there, but remember the people protested and were beaten down. I know some Iranians, and they are lovely people, but they are fearful of the leadership. I think a targeted bomb on the parliament would make more change than on a military installation which is rebuilt with metal and concrete. Rebuilding the leadership of the country is needed instead.
You should also note that the Iranian military machine is much more advanced and dangerous than Iraq. Any attack would be viewed in religious terms and also destabilize governments of allied and moderate countries around them as well. Iraq, Libya, Egypt and now Syria also were relatively stable before uprising and overthrowing the government, now is destable, the countries are not thriving ahead or moving forward, and in fact is able to sustain terrorists much easier now.
Remember Lebanon was a lot like Morocco and a thriving place before civil war, and now it's still one of the sadest countries in the world where once it was a beautiful thriving place. Leaving this to drag generations causes deeper hate and bigger problems to solve.
We need to look to history to learn from. That may be taking out government leaders, like Hitler and saving a war. Look at what has failed, try something new.
Also can we think about North Korea. A dictatorship starving and brainwashing millions, keeping the population in the dark ages, while the hierarchy get obese with luxuries and sit behind a massive military... South Korea gets attacked, ships sunk, missiles launched at it and they can't really afford to retaliate and cause an escalation to a full out war. Don't know if anyone has been to south Korea, but it's tiny. Only a short train ride of a few hours from the bottom of the country to the border. It's not North Korea that is Scary, it's the brother behind it....

Printwizard! I am afraid you have a pretty accurate view of time present and
foward. My original quote, "I stand with Israel" is my position on the matter.
The "why" position, was not posted, because, it is a VERY complex situation,
and Leaders,Geniuses,and Arm Chair Quarterbacks can/have not figured it out! And won't! IMHO. I am for Peace! I remember a simpler time, when people were civil, keys were left in my car, my house was left unlocked, and
we didnt shoot our teachers,or classmates! You knew where most people
stood, right or wrong, but at least they had a stance! All of the Educated
Ba$tards in the world have not steered us into a better light! However, I
like You, are a fighter for Good, and will not give up hope for a better world!
There will Never be peace in Israel Until.........

screenprintguy wrote:
Actually, God, will sort it all out =)

Who's god?

"My god could smash your god".....

There in lies the problem.

God doesn't kill people, people kill people!

God is just their excuse.:rolleyes:

Printwizard wrote:
Who's god?

"My god could smash your god".....

There in lies the problem.

God doesn't kill people, people kill people!

God is just their excuse.:rolleyes:


Faith can be a dangerous thing. Especially when nobody can prove who's god is better than the other. The winner will be the one that can actually prove that there god does exist. Until then they are just lead blindly by faith.

Printwizard wrote:
Who's god?

"My god could smash your god".....

There in lies the problem.

God doesn't kill people, people kill people!

God is just their excuse.:rolleyes:

You missed the point brother, there is only One God, like i said the first time. Let Him handle it. You are right, people kill people. Freedom of choice is great, but it's dangerous too.

screenprintguy wrote:
You missed the point brother, there is only One God, like i said the first time. Let Him handle it. You are right, people kill people. Freedom of choice is great, but it's dangerous too.

So who's god exactly is this one god?

screenprintguy wrote:
WOW, good luck, maybe one day you'll find him, and find out for yourself, I pray that for you!!

Who are you talking about?

Hope not me because I am not looking for any god. And I certainly have not asked nor want anyone praying for me.

Seems like it's a god d|ck comparing competition at this point.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

It looks like a poster hit a nerve.
Like your begining post suggest people would be better off getting along than not!
The "nuffsaid" was for a reason!
Let's return to Defcon 1, #4 is to high for me.
This wonderful website is a petri dish of what the world faces.
I would like to see factual comparison of different machines,supplies in this industry!
Other areas in the "graphic arts" industry, have done this and it pushed the industry
foward. The "screenprinting" side enjoys the bottom tier of the graphic arts industry.
Lack of standardization is one of the reasons. The "offset" industry realized this decades
ago with plate standardazation,etc. The screen print industry has always stayed with
the "craftside" of business, influenced more by craft than standards. Don Newman started
change in thought with the "roller frame", Richard Greeves talked on shop procedure,
Nancy Grey with screen preperation. Unfortunatly the Industry Magazine only gave press
to paying advertising customers, and never encouraged real comparisons. Quasi comparisons, they were full of that! I remember when the magagines were 3/8" thick
grew to over 1" thick, and now hovers around 1/4" thick. Lots of reason why! That's another story. For years I really enjoyed " screenprinters.net" which lies in a "coma"
now. It was torn apart! Sad! People, Competiters were "civil", we then allowed a discourse
of my schlong is bigger tha your schlong. Who effing cares! I for one like to see good dialouge, but keep lies,fighting,distortion,division,striff,untrues,halftrues an personal
attacks away from the INDUSTRY.

Winston I am not sure why you do not participate over on the shirt board, there is some great posts all about machine comparisons going on. Each post is specific to a component which makes it all more organized and to boot its all video! Other than that the site boasts more technical know how than anywhere else excluding m&r forums which is specific mostly to m&r machines.

Just want to point out tho this is the lounge do not be surprised about the type of off beat threads here it's the sand box away from the industry play ground for people to play in.

Winston you have a wealth of knowledge and history you really should contribute on the shirt board it's folks like you that bring out other gurus to participate as well.

Hello Inkman!
I do go over to the shirt board from time to time! Nice bunch of folks!
I do like the "frog" and others. I learn alot.
That being said I also like the "cats" on this board and like to follow them as well.
I am glad "civility" has returned to this site as well, as I followed it for years as
a "lurker" before it got hijacked. I am for open dialog, of all types as long as it is
not out to slander or hurt someone! Because, I am usually going in the opposite of the
masses(not always) and I always seem to get where I am going in a way that works
for me, and hopefully doesnt hurt others. I like to play in sandboxes, and even get a
little dirty and even get into a "brawl" defending the one that everyone is ganged up
on,(like rugby,old school football) but even I get tired of defending the little ba$tard
when he returns to the sandbox and ****** in the box, and on people just to get a rise,
in the name of diversity.
Wealth of knowledge/ history?
Thank God, it has been a fun run, but I end up generally confusing myself!
History is cool! I see that more and more as people retire,pass away, leave the industry
and they take it with them, and then I see people today reinvent the wheel and claim
it's theirs. Sound familiar?

srimonogramming's picture

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the room where Winston, Rick Fuqua, Rich Hoffman, hell, even Robert Barnes and just listen for a few hours. The knowledge flowing between Winston, Rick and Rich would be something really awesome to tap into. I have a short list of industry guys that when they speak or write something, I go into "sponge mode" and soak up every bit of knowledge that I can, Winston is on that short list of guys.

If I ever win the giant powerball lottery, and if I get a couple hundred million dollars, it would be a dream of mine to purchase M&R, give Rich a hefty seven figure a year salary, hire Winston and Rick and pay them stupid money and just let those guys do what they do and ride the wave. Every year, we'd have our own convention somewhere in the middle of the country, invite all of the industry leaders and companies, competitors and all and let the screen printing shops all over come in and learn and see all the new equipment and test drive everything. We'd have all the presses up and running real jobs, people doing every single process and having customers get hands on experience with whatever tool or machine they are thinking about purchasing, it would be a giant screen printing field day.

I think most trade shows are great and I enjoy going to them all, but they could be so much more for everyone involved. I'd love it if I could go into the Kiwo booth, give them an art file, print it out on their I-jet II, on newman or shurloc frames, take those screens to the M&R booth, set up the 6 color job on a challenger III with the triloc, take whichever ink manufacturer's ink that wants in on this job and start printing. Run the job through the dryer and have some of the print gurus study the print when it's done and critique it for the customer and then give them ways that they could improve the quality of the print. Anyone who wanted to watch and learn would be welcome to tag along and follow the job the entire way through the process. That same job could then go through the same process but using a completely different DTS or inkjet film, different automatic press, registration system, inks, dryer, etc. Then the customer could get an absolute hands on comparison between products and would have so much more information to make a better decision for their business. The entry level customer would stick with entry level equipment and those of us who are interested in DTS machines could get up close with that technology, it would be like screen printing heaven for me.

I know it could never happen like that, but it doesn't hurt to dream big and outlandish does it?

srimonogramming wrote:
I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the room where Winston, Rick Fuqua, Rich Hoffman, hell, even Robert Barnes and just listen for a few hours. The knowledge flowing between Winston, Rick and Rich would be something really awesome to tap into. I have a short list of industry guys that when they speak or write something, I go into "sponge mode" and soak up every bit of knowledge that I can, Winston is on that short list of guys.

If I ever win the giant powerball lottery, and if I get a couple hundred million dollars, it would be a dream of mine to purchase M&R, give Rich a hefty seven figure a year salary, hire Winston and Rick and pay them stupid money and just let those guys do what they do and ride the wave. Every year, we'd have our own convention somewhere in the middle of the country, invite all of the industry leaders and companies, competitors and all and let the screen printing shops all over come in and learn and see all the new equipment and test drive everything. We'd have all the presses up and running real jobs, people doing every single process and having customers get hands on experience with whatever tool or machine they are thinking about purchasing, it would be a giant screen printing field day.

I think most trade shows are great and I enjoy going to them all, but they could be so much more for everyone involved. I'd love it if I could go into the Kiwo booth, give them an art file, print it out on their I-jet II, on newman or shurloc frames, take those screens to the M&R booth, set up the 6 color job on a challenger III with the triloc, take whichever ink manufacturer's ink that wants in on this job and start printing. Run the job through the dryer and have some of the print gurus study the print when it's done and critique it for the customer and then give them ways that they could improve the quality of the print. Anyone who wanted to watch and learn would be welcome to tag along and follow the job the entire way through the process. That same job could then go through the same process but using a completely different DTS or inkjet film, different automatic press, registration system, inks, dryer, etc. Then the customer could get an absolute hands on comparison between products and would have so much more information to make a better decision for their business. The entry level customer would stick with entry level equipment and those of us who are interested in DTS machines could get up close with that technology, it would be like screen printing heaven for me.

I know it could never happen like that, but it doesn't hurt to dream big and outlandish does it?

You win the lottery! Give me a call.
Heck I could be your driver and we could talk all day.
Alan, Life is funny! Never say never, And be carefull where and who
you pi$$ on. Because, it will always come around, and you never know
dreams can and do come true!

This reminds me of one of my favorite lyrics from my friend's new folk album.

From a song titled "Jesus"

"You can carry your cross,
but keep your cross off me,
Cause I ain't about to kneel for the things I've done."

Just in case anyone wants to buy the album or song (Track 5):

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."