I Wish...

my press had the option to print back to front as well as the front to back position so that when going over seams, the ink would deposit flush and not have a small area in which it doesn't lay down ink. You know what I mean? See the area in which it just doesn't hit?
Any thoughts on a resolution?

United States

That looks better than the way it would look if you were able to print it the other way. If you went the other way the screen would have a deposit of ink that will build up and make the part a lot darker and will also fuzz up. You will then need to wipe it down to get rid of the build up. That just the nature of the beast when printing over a seam.

Do you have a good source for that? Thanks

Thank for the neoprene tips. There;s a source in our town so i'll give it a try.
We aren't doing any all over prints...our press isn't set up to do it. It's just a standard print area!