issue with hat

I'm embroidering a 2 1/2 inch design on an unstructured hat. The issue is that in one particular place there are several thread changes and these changes are right over the seam of the hat. The hat I'm using has a fairly heavy fabric and the doubled-over fabric at the seam cause a thread break quite consistenctly. My questions: 1) should I be using a different fabric and what whould be a good suggestion? 2) I believe there are hats that have a different (lighter- less fabric) seam. What would that be called? Any other suggestions are welcome.


United States
minimalist's picture

What worked for me was using 80/12 needles and a piece of tearaway as well as solvy on top of the seam. Granted I was sewing a 5 point star with ballpoints on the tip of the star so it was a solid design.

Other suggested to me to fill the area before the design sews but that wasn't an option for me.

You also might slow the machine down and make sure you are sewing with the step up plate (don't know if your machine has one or not).