By wysiwyg115 on
Feb. 13, 2018
Hi all! I'm about to get started with an embroidery business but I have one to sell first!
Hi all! I'm about to get started with an embroidery business but I have one to sell first!
Re: Leanne from Iowa
sorry, have to ask... you write that you are selling an embroidery business and then you are about to get started with an embroidery business? ? Can't you re-market the one you currently have? new management? new ownership, etc?
now if you meant you are about to open an embroidery business BUT have a different type of business that you would like to sell first. Then IMO you need to think again about getting into promotional products! Your clients do not know how to spell or how to frame a sentence... they rely on YOU the professional for that. (which is easy now with smartphone apps and computers) Be warned if you are not careful you will EAT a LOT of product from orders done incorrectly!!! all because of what you THOUGHT you wrote is not actually what you INTENDED. Spelling and Language is the number one reason for embroidery to be returned. Attention to detail.
I had to learn the hard way, but like I said you now have apps and google, etc to help. USE THEM!
Modern Embroidery Designer