Looking for a digitizer who is familiar with a Bernina E16

Hi, I am in search of a digitizer who is familiar with the Bernina E16...using EXP files. Any suggestions?

United States

Robert Young wrote:
other than me any of the professional digitizers on this site should be able to help you just fine! exp is an industry standard format so nearly every software available to digitizers will be able to output for that. The concern is really only finding a digitizer you like that can provide the quality level you need.

That is what I am looking for is quality...you get what you pay for...the Bernina is similar to the Melco and I was told the machine either pushes or pulls, I don't remember which...

Robert Young's picture

Brian117 wrote:
I was told the machine either pushes or pulls, I don't remember which...

Hi, I haven't heard "push or pull" used in machine-talk.... in digitizing those are terms we use. Check back with whomever advised you of that and clarify what they meant.

The terms "more slop vs less slop" make more sense to me when discussing an embroidery machine. An easy way to test this is have whomever you pick for your digitizer give you a test run of lettering to sew... Once they see your sewout they will know which side of "slop" your particular machine tends to go and will then be able to adjust their future digitizing for you accordingly.

(this means they send you a file with a couple to three different font styles and sizes using their "standard" settings... just jibberish letters as this is a test file. If the quality of your sewout is acceptable then their "standard" settings work for you. More often though either your letters will come out too fat.. closing up "e" for example, etc.. which means your machine has More slop... it is looser in either one or both axis. So the digitizer now knows that for you they need to make the letters THINNER on screen to compensate for the "slop"..... or the reverse is true.)

Hope this makes sense? one size does not fit all, work with a few different digitizers to start and see what you like. Ask them what their specialties are as well... you may need to have more than one in your embroidery arsenal. Remember they have no formal training ... they only know what they know and are only good at the types of designs they LIKE to do. IMO.

Modern Embroidery Designer