By elvis on
Nov. 13, 2013
hello i am new to embroidery, i got a good deal on a emc6 its only connection is an Ethernet cable, from what i researched i have found out that that cable would go to a "superstar" unit that read a floppy disk. I am unable to locate a superstar unit does anyone on this forum have any idea how i might go about by passing this with a floppy or usb update? any help on a how to update this would be truly appreciated. thanks :confused:
Re: melco emc6
open the top panel on the back left of the machine.
you will see two computer cards in the space.
look at the 2nd card (closest to the back of the machine), it should have a 32 pin connector.
if so then a standard floppy drive, without the twisted floppy cable and a sound card cable
from a computer will work. the floppy cable (32 pin must be a non twisted cable), the four wire sound card cable hooks up to the back of a floppy and the four pin connector on the card inside the embroidery machine.
you will need a "Boot disk" with the correct files on it. i can help with this.
or you can pay $295 for a USB upgrade through PLR electronics.
Re: melco emc6
thanks for your help i found a similar tutorial on the net but i dont beleive i have the correct connections
Re: melco emc6
You have a melco emc 6 with a black (tajima) head. it cannot work with a floppy drive or usb emulator.
the main board in these machines which you show a picture of does not support this.
unfortunately you will need a computer with either eds (versions II, III or designshop) to use this machine.
the melco emc series with the (white) head has the floppy option.
Re: melco emc6
even if i were to get eds or design shop my biggest issue is how do i send it to the actual machine as its only connection is via starlan which i have never heard of. :confused:
Re: melco emc6
I have an emc6 and have got the floppow I need help gettitg it going It recognizes the boot disc and the the screen goes to melco emc6mtl 269 3722632 phone I will glady pay or accept a favor thank you
Re: melco emc6
I had EMC6 , EMC6MTL AND EP1 10 years ago.
First of all You need EDS or design shop software and
network card (like Melco PCI or ISA network card)
EDS and design shop software has ENS(embroidery network system) program.
You can send a file via ens program.
check this
Re: melco emc6
we have design shop eds with the dongle but when we reu the boot disc it is waiting for a floppy should I burn a floppy with the eds design shop softwear and run that
Re: melco emc6
there are several different topic's going on here. i can try and clear up some of the confusion.
1) eds III (3) is a windows 98 based software, which you will need a isa slot (black slot about 5 inches long near the bottom of the computer motherboard) melco card number is 005091-01 this is the starlan card
see this link
this card along with the "dongle" parallel port security device enables the software. this card direct connects to the emc series machines by a special cable from melco. it is similar to the rj45 but not exactly as it has fewer connectors in the plug (end of the cable). this allows you to control up to 64 machines in a daisy chain effect linking one machine to the next. the last machine on the line needs a terminator plug (commonly known as a "Pigtail") to tell the computer it is the last machine in the line.
there is an alternative card pci card (white slot about 2 1/2" long on computer motherboard) this is also a starlan card
this card along with the "dongle" parallel port security device enables the software.
the older designshops eds IIII (4) with a parallel port dongle can work on windows xp and networks through the hub/switch to the newer EMT machines. each machine in this setup is through the hub, so there is an unlimited amount of machines you can hook up to provided you have the open spaces in the hub/switch.
if you have eds 3 and a designshop 4 parallel port dongle (stacked one on the other, you can connect through the computer network port, to a hub/switch and then to the EMT machine. there is no need for the isa or pci card in this setup.
if you have a usb dongle and the hub/switch setup it works the same as the staked parallel port dongles.
one more item, if you "boot" by floppy and get the machine to "powerup". then insert the design disc into the floppy drive, and use the upper left key on the keypad, find "run design", and load the design.
network setup for melco
if you are using a EMC series machine you need the software, dongle, and either isa or PCI card and the cables. A network does not work for them. As the above link shows.