By LinenLvr on
Sep. 19, 2013
Hi all
I was just wondering if you have heard of anyone who offers mentoring for new digitizers.
I've done some online courses via Wilcom and read lots, and have been digitizing my own stuff for about 2.5 years. I'd really like some 1 on 1 help as I think I've kinda reached my ceiling and probably need more input.
I use Wilcom (a bit at work) and Stitch Era Universal at home.
United States
Re: Mentoring for Digitizers
I haven't heard anything like that in quite a few years. Used to be with WINgs software you would get 1 year of free phone support! A group of digitizers would each take turns being "on Call" to answer any questions. Not sure if Wilcom has any program like that though. I can help with general digitizing questions, but not software specific ones I am afraid.
Modern Embroidery Designer
Re: Mentoring for Digitizers
Thanks for the offer Robert. No doubt I'll get back to you on this! :D