M&R Equipment for sale

Davie, FL, United States

2002 M&R Maxi Cure Dryer 4 ft wide 20 ft long all electric Asking $6500.00

Newman Roller Frame Stretcher asking $1,650.00

40-1K Nuarc Exposure Unit Asking $1,150.00

For more info email me or call me at 678-602-1886 Paul

There are 10 Comments

Yeah it's in great condition. I just got ready for shipping. I have the best rates in the country for shipping call me and find out. Paul B I'll beat any rate.

2002 M&R Maxi Cure Dryer 4 ft wide 20 ft long all electric Asking $5,000.00 (New Price)

I also have the best rates in the industry on shipping. Call me today and I can quote any equipment shipped any where in the US. Paul 678-602-1886

PAULB wrote:
2002 M&R Maxi Cure Dryer 4 ft wide 20 ft long all electric Asking $5,000.00 (New Price)

what kind of power do this thing need?