By norrismac
Dec. 28, 2021
Los Angeles
United States
M&R Gauntlet 2: 8 Color/10 Station
The Year 2000
only 4 Mil. prints - these presses are known to go well over 20 mil prints if maintained
In really good condition
This Press was always the workhorse of the M & R Line
220v, 3 Phase, 20 Amps 16x20 Print Size
Features: has them all: Loaded with All Features: Servo Drive / AC Heads / Squeegee Flood Bar airlocks
[B]Call for pricing
YouTube Video -
Dave McLain
Screen Printing Products Inc.
There is 1 Comment
Re: M&R Gauntlet 2: 8 Color/10 Station 220v, 3 Phase, 20 Amps 16
HI, im interested.. I send you a text message.