M&R Saturn Press & Vitran UV Dryer - Screen Printing Equipment *WANTED - $1 (Houston)

uzmarketing's picture
Houston, TX, United States

I'm looking for an M & R Saturn's, m&r saturn platinum , mr saturn 3040 , m&r saturn 2538 silk screen print machine and a Vitran 48" UV Dryer (must be 48 inch wide belt) for screen printing, auto / automatic press

Please text me at 832-598-1748 if you have any one of them for sale!

UZ Marketing | 5900 Bingle Rd., Houston TX 77092 | UZmarketing.com

There are 3 Comments

uzmarketing wrote:
I'm looking for an M & R Saturn's, m&r saturn platinum , mr saturn 3040 , m&r saturn 2538 silk screen print machine and a Vitran 48" UV Dryer (must be 48 inch wide belt) for screen printing, auto / automatic press

Please text me at 832-598-1748 if you have any one of them for sale!

I have a 2538 Saturn 2 with SENTRY take off for sale 8k - kris 310 748 4844