Need Expert Advice

Hello All,
I along with one other person want to start a small monogram business. We both work full time. We both love everything about monogramming and lots of folks have suggested to us because of the items they see we have done as gifts that we should have our own bsuiness. We are trying to look at the competition in the area and there are a few and this is a rural town and the machines are quite expensive , how do you know what to buy? Also , we have run into several places where they say they can't do a certain piece because of the hoop, is this becasue they do not have the right equipment or is it that not everything can be embroidered?..Does anyone have any advice to offer about starting the business> Any advice will be greatly appreciated...:cool:

What do you do first??? research competition in the area, machines, a specialty thing we could do that the others do not?
Thank you

Greg hamrick's picture

Look for competition at your local Chamber of Commerce and become a member if your not a member already. The chamber of commerce is a great source for finding clients that are members themselves. Attend thier meetings and the others will know exactly who you are and what you do and will trust you to do the work because your a member also.
I have never embroidered, but have friends that do. I believe the hoop size determines the size of the names or images that can be embroidered. If I'm wrong, then please look over me as this is my first cup of coffee.
Well, good luck to you two, hope things work out.

At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

Honestly you REALLY need to go into any business as well informed as you can be. I've seen more than a few folks decide to do what they love as a business and find the overhead took all the fun out and introduce a level of stress they hadn't anticipated.
Go to as many trade shows as you can fit in in a 6 month period. I strongly urge anyone about to embark on a new business venture to do their homework for at least 6 months prior to spending more than they can make in a single paycheck. Look carefully at what you total overhead will be and what your total income might generate over the first year and then double what you think your overhead will be. : )
Go to SGIA show this summer in Atlanta and then the SSI show nearest to you, try the Bobin show as well. If you can get to any two of those your going to see most of the vendors for embroidery. Tajima is one to look hard at. I send out about 35,000 dollars a year in embroidery and all of my vendors use tajima's. Also look into digitizing software and learn it before you by and machine. There are a lot of embroiderers out there who can't digitize to save their life. Thos Programs can be a bit expensive if you want to be free to do any type of work. lastly travel to a town outside of where you might likely be in competition with an embroiderer and befriend one. Ask them for advice on vendors for thread, goods, repair services, and known scam clients. Good Luck.