Need opinions on Renaissance Embroidery Machines

Hi-- I'm looking to purchase an embroidery system. I would like to know if Renaissance systems are reliable. Their price seems to be fairly reasonable. Thanks.

I have a tajima tfmx-c1501 (m series) and a renaissance cantare. I purchased the tajima first and then the renaissance several months later. The tajima is much more expensive but I also think it's a much better machine with better support. The tajima has 15 needles while the renaissance has 12. The tajima is quiter and more user friendly and does not need a pc. I feel a machine with its own control panel is better than one that requires a pc. Also, this is a very important point, you will not have a problem getting a local qualified embroidery technician with a tajima.

I have Tajima Neo and I highly recommend it. Support is great and techs are everywhere so Printer-MI is right in that regard. Although I'm new this is my first machine so I don't know how hard it is to find techs with other brands.

Renaissance machines are not one of the 'top' popular brands, however they do get the job done and cost a heck of a lot less. I think the company was recently acquired by Bernina of America. Bernina is a huge name and hopefully they'll take things to new heights.