Need a suggestion.

Hi, I'm new to this forum, may be its the right area to post or not.

I'm looking for a good digitising service, and I need to have some animals as well as slogans done. Can you suggest a service that does that in a good price?

Looking forwrd to your help.

hey @embrosurf, thanks for the suggestion. It was a mess of arguing posts there but
seems like steve has many good reviews and offering first design free so i will give him a try.

many thanks. Others digitisers, if you're seeing, please drop your qoutes in my PM inbox as well.

Robert Young's picture

Most digitizers can do slogans for you, but if you want realistic animals with real wow effect then I still think Balboa Threadworks has to be among the best in the industry. They have a fairly large number already done, but also do custom if you needed. Just depends what you are looking for.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Doya Arif wrote:
I sent steve an email on more than a week back but still have not received any reply from this his usual response rate?

Hi Doya, you can try us out.
We have a very simple order form and free phone contact numbers.
You will have a reply back within few hours.

Powerstitch Design Studio
$7.50 for L/B or Cap Logo

Email him again.
He has been very prompt for me.
His first reply to me went into my junk mail folder; so I didn't see it for a few days.
His work is excellent, priced right and very fast.

Bill Graham wrote:
Email him again.
He has been very prompt for me.
His first reply to me went into my junk mail folder; so I didn't see it for a few days.
His work is excellent, priced right and very fast.

Attached is the email I sent steve on 14th of this month.
I have checked the trash and junk folder but didn't see anything.
I have forwarded the email to him again today so lets see.


try embrostitch. He has always responded within two days max. and has great rates. He has a page on ebay as well that you can see his stuff

Already rcvd a reply from Brent but still nothing from Steve. Im not sure why people think so much of steve. From my experience he would have lost me an order with such pathetic service.

Brent was unable to do this job in the timeframe that was required which is understandable and also he seems to be a one man show so restricted on time. But I will definitely keep brent in mind for future smaller jobs.

As for this job now whoever feels they can do it, please let me have a price and turnaround time asap!!

Sorry....have not visited this forum from few days....i will send it as first free design charges for first two designs...

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

Communication was my issue with Steve also... Brent on the other hand was above and beyond with communication and service.

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Yes Brent was quick with his reply and explained himself well.

Steve on the otherhand doesnt seem to have a website or a contact number. How can you work with someone with just an email address???

Finally but why haven't you replied to my emails?

I gave this job to powerstitch yesterday since I didn't hear from you and I've already paid them but I want you to do the design as well and I will stitch out both of them and compare.

Look forward to seeing your design.


Steve, our last correspondence was on 26th to which you said you will give me my first free design the same day. I am still waiting...where is it?? today is the 1st!!!! you really have a problem with your customer service I have to say....first you dont reply to emails and then you post on forum that you will give same day free

As posted above I had given this job to powerstitch and although it cost me more than your FREE design, atleast they gave the design back to me on time.

I guess you get what you pay for right???

Im attaching powerstitch swatch so you know I actually did get this job done.


Robert Young's picture

wow, talk about shooting yourself in the foot... but looks like a great job from Powerstitch!! The thumbnail you attached looked really good. Did it sew well? This thread may end up being more useful than the one where recommendations were requested for digitizers. here we have an actual case played out in real time for us to watch.

Modern Embroidery Designer

We are planning to stitch it out today. Will post a picture of it once done. Its 211,000 stitches so its going to take up most of my day :)


Robert Young's picture

Doya Arif wrote:
We are planning to stitch it out today. Will post a picture of it once done. Its 211,000 stitches so its going to take up most of my day :)


Hi, so it has been nearly a week, how did the image sew out for you?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Seriously a person expects a 200,000 stitch logo for free the first time? I am always happy with free but I also have compassion and respect for what people do for a living I would never expect anyone to go through that much work for free.

I have been in this business a long time once upon a time there was no net and no forums. Designs were mailed to a puncher and he mailed back a floppy. And a design like above would cost you $1,000 plus. I guess the value of this kind of work has gone to the gutter.

inkman996 wrote:
Seriously a person expects a 200,000 stitch logo for free the first time? I am always happy with free but I also have compassion and respect for what people do for a living I would never expect anyone to go through that much work for free.

I have been in this business a long time once upon a time there was no net and no forums. Designs were mailed to a puncher and he mailed back a floppy. And a design like above would cost you $1,000 plus. I guess the value of this kind of work has gone to the gutter.

I agree with you and your experience, due to big design, it taken some delay in doing but i have already sent my free sample to this member few days ago.

Embroidery Digitizier and Color Separation
20 Years Experience
(Price : 10 USD Flat OR 1.5 USD/1000 Stitches)
First Two designs Free to Try

inkman996 wrote:
Seriously a person expects a 200,000 stitch logo for free the first time? I am always happy with free but I also have compassion and respect for what people do for a living I would never expect anyone to go through that much work for free.

I have been in this business a long time once upon a time there was no net and no forums. Designs were mailed to a puncher and he mailed back a floppy. And a design like above would cost you $1,000 plus. I guess the value of this kind of work has gone to the gutter.

If you are out there to make a living then you shouldn't offer free back designs...SIMPLE!!!

I paid powerstitch because they didn't offer free designs.

I also contacted Brent to quote on this job but he was polite to say that such designs are not worth the time which i respect. But Im sure Brent won't have done it for free either.

So if you wish to offer something for free then its your problem but don't expect people to feel sorry for you because you decided to give out freebies to increase your customer base.

Robert nice site, very professional.

Do you have a pricing structure I can see?

Also what formats do you offer to your client?

Reason I am asking been on the hunt recently for a new dependable digitizing source, roughly 3 to 4 hundred designs a year. We have several digitizers, I do many myself and the bulk of our orders are contract with digitizing already provided.

Robert Young's picture

Doya Arif wrote:
attached is gnizitigid's design

hi, did you ever sew this one out or was it wasted since you already had the other? that would be a shame as then you could have sent a different design for the free one and gotten two separate designs done instead of just the one twice. But at least we all got to see how different digtizers do the same file.

Modern Embroidery Designer

attached is the stitched sample of powerstitch design.
sorry its not the best of pics and the reflection due to the glass on the frame.
but it did stitch out well and Im happy with it.

Robert Young's picture

thanks, no metallic for all the gold and the jewels huh? but glad it sewed well for you. this is also a good example of how different digitizers doing the same design come up with different outcomes. so communication from the client is very important if some element of the design means something or needs to be done in a particular way... otherwise, since most digitizers cannot read minds you get what you get... there are no schools for digitizing so they only know what they know. Looking at the rat collars as an example..

Modern Embroidery Designer

Both nice designs in my opinion. I would be pleased with either one. The metallic thread on #2 is nice, but IMO, a pain to work with,,,I have constant thread breaks with metallic thread.

I like the texture look in #1 as well.

I would be pleased to get either one,,,,

Obviously PS put in WAY more time for the details.

all the run stitches that outlined all those intricate parts. That was ridiculous in my opinion... but it looks PHENOMENAL!! ;)

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."