By Peaceful Farm's... on
Mar. 22, 2017
Hello all,
I am restarting my embroider business and I need your help. What embroidery needle and backing do I use on a JerZees Dri-POWER 6oz Sweatshirt. It is a Under Armour type fabric material. I have not embroidered on this type of fabric before and am unsure what to use.
Thanks in advance
Crystal Olson
Peaceful Farm's Designs
Re: New Embroiderer Help
its a mixture of files specifically made for it (they pucker to no end if the file isn't thoughtfully tailored) And combinations of cutaway, cutaway mesh, or mixtures of cutaway and mesh.
Re: New Embroiderer Help
You probably need to use 75/11 ballpoints for that fabric. A suggestion for you is to hit the resale shop and buy a couple of those shirts with the same material to test out the results.
Re: New Embroiderer Help
I haven't done any embroidery on such type of fabrics. Hope that you will get help from someone less here.
Re: New Embroiderer Help
I use a piece of lightweight cut away with one piece of mesh over it. Works well for us.