By twok4hd on
Mar. 09, 2011
Has anyone embroidered the New Era 5950 style caps? Any issues, if you have embroidered these?
Thanks in advance
Sew Fine Designs
Has anyone embroidered the New Era 5950 style caps? Any issues, if you have embroidered these?
Thanks in advance
Sew Fine Designs
Re: New Era Caps
I haven't done the style you mention, but have done a few other New Era models, and they did fine.
Re: New Era Caps
Thanks for the reply.
Sew Fine Designs
Re: New Era Caps
they sew similar to the 6210 flexfits--they are pretty thick but they go just fine--only problems i have ran into is when sewing too close to the bill, theres double buckram around there unlike normal hats, so its critical to get the design placed right...the center seam also seems thicker, but again, not really a problem.
You didn't find them wholesale did you? They just recently started carrying them in blacnk solids at Lids, but not for wholesale as far as i could find out from them.
Re: New Era Caps
Thanks for the reply Shelly. The customer is bringing them to us. I don't know where he purchased them but I heard he did not get wholesale. Around $25./ea. :eek: We will be making sure everything is right before hitting the "GO" button, that's for sure. :p
Sew Fine Designs