New Places for embroidery business?

I have a embroidery business cart in Jacksonville ,FL. my business is ok. I make money but my lease is going to end next month and management want to inrease my rent almost 5K for next year.Seems like they don't wanna negotiate .Its time to move I guess. Is there anybody that can recommend any mall which is not terrible for embroidery business:) Anywhere in the USA.. Thank you

United States
Robert Young's picture

Hi, is it really better to move and start all over or would it make more sense just to find a way to get more business where you are already known? 5k per year is really only $19.00 per day if you only work 22 days a month? Just seems the expense of moving and new marketing might outweigh the 5k?

Modern Embroidery Designer

Mr. Robert Young
I really appreciate your opinion and recomendation. Its like golden for me. But I forgot to explain something that If I accept that offer I am pretty sure they will increase the rent $5K more for 2013. It will be really hard for me then. I am really confuse. Thank you very much for your advise again

Robert Young's picture

sorry to hear that, the landlord must feel confident that they can get someone Else in there for that amount then. Maybe stick it out this year and use the time to plan accordingly, prepare for a move next year if that additional increase does happen. At least you will be better prepared than trying to do it all in just one month now?? best of luck whatever you choose.

Modern Embroidery Designer

Why don't you instead try and sublet some space even on profit share in a store like a trophy maker and engraver, or sporting goods store, or gift shop. Plenty of high traffic stores rather than owning your own.

I have already signed 1 more year. I thought its better to sign than moving this year. I really appreciate for sharing your advise with me. syrupmaker79 one of my friend tried in tallahasse 4 years ago. it didn't work. I have been there couple of months with them. I wouldn't recommed that mall. lets see next year . Thank you all.