New Video & Pictures of Anatol Vindicator

We've got a new video of the Vindicator up:

There are also a few new pictures of the Vindicator on at

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Binkspot's picture

musterdbom wrote:

I believe the logic behind the single quartz bulb is also used by Anatol with the color saver "in-between head" flash. With smaller servo actuated presses that can index at almost any specified rate, it makes sense to utilize that space between the heads for flashing as most of the time smaller presses are being operated by one person doing the loading and unloading. Should be more than fast enough while drawing less amperage. Electricity ain't cheap!

Not trying to stir the pot, just clarification. I have seen some pictures of the Color Saver flash but not on a machine. How does the space saver fit between the screens? On some presses the screens almost touch in the back. Does it mount to the screens? Can you only flash the top half of the image area? Does the machine half index to flash?

I would think the flash would start to cure the ink in the screens on a longer run or the following screen because of no cooling time.

The amp draw really is not an issue on a quarts flash. During start up sure the flash may draw the rated amps but as it warms up the draw will drop significantly. In a real run how often do you run the flash at 100%?

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

The Anatol Rapid Wave CS (Color Saver) clamps to the screen holders and is currently designed for our 16"x16" and 16"x18" presses (we found that people buying machines with the larger imprint area stick with buying enough colors to mount a standard Anatol Rapid Wave). We have designed the Anatol Rapid Wave CS to cover the full 18" stroke length and up to 20" in width.

With the inner body air circulation system the Anatol Rapid Waves feature, it keeps the skin of the flash unit and the screen holders/screens cool to the touch eliminating any transfer of heat to the ink in the screens.

The amp draw is really going to come down to the variables in the particular print run. With all of the different inks & substrates that a printer has to work with it's going to be different for everyone. For example, a more heat sensitive substrate you're not going to run a quartz flash at 100% but for a slower flashing white ink you may want to run the bulbs at 100% and just adjust the actual flash time as the tables get hotter. It really boils down to the printer doing what they need to do for the best results and Anatol Equipment Manufacturing Co providing our customers with options that work for their needs.

Matthew Short
T&J Printing Supply, Inc

Binkspot's picture

I run an electric dryer only because that's the only option where I am at now. We will be moving before the end of the year and upgrading to a gas dryer. We have a 200a service where I am at so we are almost at our limit. We usually run our flashes at about 20-30%, starting with a 4 second flash. By the time we get to maybe 15-20 shirts we start to shorten the flash time, by the 50th shirt we are down to 1.5-2 seconds. The flashes are drawing 15-20a where we keep them so it really isn't that bad.

Owner/Operator of Middletownink

The machine in the video was one of our larger format presses (30"x40") and had the Rapid Wave Pilot (shuttle quartz flash) mounted in the machine. You can always add one of our large format Rapid Waves to the unit to increase the production speed but since the flash unit had to travel the full 40" it was running at the large format print speeds that would allow the unit to move the entire stroke length.

We were dry cycling the unit since it was here on the floor in our Chicago location but we're working on arranging filming at the customers location very soon.

Matthew Short
T&J Printing Supply, Inc

spotcolorsupply's picture

CNClark wrote:
Looks great Matt. So the shuttle flash is supposed to run under a screen after it prints? Not sure I understand the point of it shuttling like that.

Either way, impressive looking machine.

The shuttle keeps you from having to buy an oversized flash. If you only print oversized once in a while that smaller shuttle would be more versitile, pull fewer amps, and save you a ton of $$$$ over an oversized flash ;)

Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120

Exactly Brannon!

The over sized quartz flashes that are built for that imprint area pull a lot more amps than this smaller shuttle unit, so it's designed to save the printer money on the electric bill. If speed is more of a concern I would go with one of our over sized Anatol Rapid Waves but we wanted to give our customers options in their over sized flashing.

Matthew Short
T&J Printing Supply, Inc

spotcolorsupply's picture

Spider-Machines wrote:
What is the static flash size :-?

Also ... Are you much of Fan of having Quartz Bulbs being subjected to machine vibration :-?

They come in many widths up to 40", not sure the depth of the unit.

I can see the vibration argument but, is the reduction in life 5% or 50% over a fixed flash? Tuf has been selling quartz shuttle flashes for years..... Now granted, the Tuf typically resides in small shops, but I have many customers that run them daily and I haven’t had any particular complaints about flash bulbs prematurely wearing out.

Besides, if you read my original post I was pitching it as a solution for the printer that only prints oversized once in a while...... If oversized printing is any significant portion of their business I would always recommend a fixed flash!

Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120

spotcolorsupply's picture

Spider-Machines wrote:
Makes logical sense ... but ... me being a Machine Guru ... I must ask ... wouldn't that have something to do the TUF bulbs being the slower heavy coil type bulbs that's filaments simply don't get as HOT as the newer Technology Bulbs ... hence ... less sensitive to what I refer to as flicking your finger at a light bulb in a house lamps every 6 -to- 10 seconds :-?

Also ... what does the customer do with the flash when it not in use? (prop it up against the wall?)

Again I ask tho... What is the % of lost life due to bulb wear by vibration? This flash is beneficial to the customer because of the "lack" of space that it takes up and the Versatility of the flash, not to mention the initial investment. It allows a shop to do oversized "once in a while" a lil easier.

Yeah. I’ve seen plenty of people do that, or put it on a shelf, under a table, once it’s cooled.... of course :)

Brannon Mullins
Spot Color Supply
51 Aiken St
Cartersville, GA 30120